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When the doctor informs me that my dad is stable but will need to stay in the hospital for the foreseeable future, I tell Gabby and Chase the news.

"So what does this mean exactly?" Gabby asks. "Is he going to be okay?"

"I'm not sure. That's all they told me." I feel both Chase and Gabby's arms around me and I feel safe. Things aren't okay. Nothing is okay. Not with my dad, not with Alex, but at least I have them. They are both here for me no matter what and I need to be here for myself. I need to treat myself better which means I need to talk to Alex. 

I grab my purse from the waiting room chair and head for the door. 

"Where are you going?" Gabby asks.

"To do something I should have done a long time ago." A small smile forms on Gabby's face and I see Chase give her a questioning look. 

"You'll see," she whispers. 

When I park in front of Alex's house I don't hesitate to hop out of the car and slam my fist on his front door. What he did to me was wrong. My birthday and my dad. He doesn't deserve me. 

I can see him through the glass door and when he finally sees me, his eyes grow wide with fear. He is dressed only in his boxers and his hair is a mess. 

He opens the door. "Leah? What are you doing here?"

"What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I thought you had work. I thought that was why you couldn't support me while my dad was forgetting who his own daughter is."

He looks like he is purposely blocking my entry into the house, but I push the door wider and step inside anyways. 

And that is when I see her. Standing at the top of the stairs with only a sheet.

And she sees me.

And Jen runs back to his bedroom. 

Alex must see the fury in my eyes, the grit in my teeth, because he steps towards me and tries to rub his hand up and down my back to comfort me. "Leah, wait. Let me explain."

"Get your dirty hands off of me." I push him away and head for the door. I can't be here. I can't be giving any of my time or energy to a cheat. My eyes burn with tears when I realize the position I put myself in. 

I keep going back in time, over and over again, for a guy. For one guy. And every time I've done it I've lost someone. Gabby faded into the background. I'm losing my dad. And I've completely lost myself. For one guy. One fucking guy. And the wrong one at that. 

He tries to grab my hand one last time but I shake myself free and open the front door. I turn around and look him in the eye. "We are over. For good this time." 

I see confusion written all over his face, but I don't care. I slam the door on him. On this relationship. On time travel. 

Suddenly, all I see is darkness and I fade out of this existence. 

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