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I love sushi. It is by far my all-time favorite food, but I'm getting the idea that Alex's parents think I hate it.

"Leah, are you okay with raw fish? Alex told us that you eat poke almost every day so I thought sushi would be okay." Alex's mom is looking at me concerned. I look to his dad and he hasn't noticed. He's shoving sushi into his mouth faster than Joey Chestnut during Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest.

"Oh no, I love sushi. Thank you," I manage to get out as I fumble for my chopsticks and try to eat a piece of yellowtail.

I have never been this nervous in my entire life. Alex's mom, Diane, was very warm and bubbly when I first stepped in the door to meet them for the "first time". She played the whole "We have been dying to meet you, Leah! Alex speaks so highly of you" card, but I can't tell if it is fact or fiction. The last time I met her she despised me, so I'm walking on eggshells until I figure her out.

I feel Alex's hand on my leg under the table and he gives me a squeeze, telling me that everything is okay. I smile at him, letting the heat from my face dissipate while my clammy hands dry. Be yourself someone told me earlier at the record shop. They will love you.

"So, Leah, we would love to hear about your family, right honey?" Diane gives Bill the eye, demanding him to be present in our conversation.

He stops shoving food down his throat and sets his chopsticks down. "Right, of course. Does your dad like football? Has Alex told you that I am the 49ers' biggest fan?"

I think back to when I met them the first time, how well my dad and his dad got along and I begin to feel nostalgic. More than anything I want things to work between us this time, and that means my dad and his parents getting along. I smile at the thought of them having at least one thing in common.

"Hmm, that's weird because I thought my dad was the biggest 49ers fan of all time." Bill's face instantly lights up.

"You will have to bring him by during football season. We can all watch a game together."

"Well you can count me out," Diane interjects. "How about the boys watch the game while the girls go shopping." She shakes her head at the boys as if watching football is so boring. I nod my head in response because I want to spend time with her, and I don't have the heart to tell her that I love watching football too.

"Your mom will have to come too, I would love to meet her, honey."

"Um mom," Alex jumps in, his face bright red. "Her mom is not-"

"My mom actually died when I was really young."

Diane's eyes are wide and she is frozen with indecision of what to say next. "Oh Leah, I, I had no idea."

"It's okay." I wish Alex had warned his parents about this. This puts a real damper on mood we had previously created.

"I'm so sorry to hear that. She must have been an amazing woman if she helped raise a girl like you." I smile, knowing that Diane likes me this time around.


Once dinner is over, I join Alex on the couch when we hear a knock on the door. Diane runs to open it and I suddenly become nervous again once I remember who will be joining us.

Chase's parents are not at all how I imagined them to be. His mom, average height with a short, blonde bob walks in with the hulk on her arm. His dad must be at least 6'5, 250 pounds, half muscle, half too much food and beer. And behind them is Chase, with blue eyes from mom and dark hair and height from dad.

The parents quickly head to the kitchen to open two bottles of wine, leaving the three of us to our own devices in the living room.

Alex gets up to meet Chase, doing their half handshake half hug salutation that guys always do. "How's it going man?"

"Oh you know, just had dinner with mom and dad. They already had quite a bit to drink and I see that they went for more wine, so don't mind them," Chase says, almost embarrassed.

"Leah, just warning you, my parents and Chase's parents together is a real show so beware."

I instinctively laugh, but Alex and Chase both shake their heads, bracing the embarrassment that is to come.

The parents reappear in the living room with a game in their hands and Chase's dad's voice is booming throughout the room. "We found a game and we are ALL playing."

"Dad, I think-" Chase interjects.

"No exceptions! Everyone come to the table."

When we sit down and I see the game they chose my nerves return instantly. This is not a game I want to play with someone's parents, especially not the parents of my boyfriend who I just met today.

"Everyone gets seven white cards and plays one each round that best fits the black card," Chase's dad explains as he passes out the cards.

I look over at Alex and Chase, both of their faces just as red as mine. I cannot believe I am playing Cards Against Humanity with their parents.

I try to not use any super inappropriate cards in the beginning, but as the rounds go by I see that the parents are not backing down. They are playing the grossest of the gross cards and are loving it. As Chase and Alex begin to play all of their cards without hesitation, I decide that I might as well too. That and the fact that I haven't won a single round.

"You guys better have some good cards for me this round," Chase's dad says as he collects the cards and starts to read them out loud.

He picks up the black card. "How did I lose my virginity?" Chase immediately slaps his hand on his forehead and shakes his head. "Poor life choices, thoughts and prayers, dis bitch, a bag of magic beans, and HAHAHA."

"Just read the card, Dad."

"Getting naked and watching Nickelodeon! WINNER! Who had this card?"

I slowly raise my hand. "Umm that would be me."

"Alex, she is so funny. Chase needs a girl like this." Chase's mom nods her head in agreement. Then he directs his attention to his son. "Right Chase?" Chase puts his head on the table as his drunk dad pours another glass of wine.

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