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Ever since my encounter with Alex's mom, Diane, things have felt... off. I don't know another way to describe it. Things were perfect, maybe even too perfect before she walked upstairs and found me in her son's bedroom. It's like that feeling when you get into a fight with your best friend. Not just your current best friend of the year, but your best friend of ten years or so. You get into this insane fight, the type of fight that you guys have never had before, crossing the line, saying things you don't mean but you know you can't take back, saying things that they will never forget. It's like that. Alex's mom said things about me, things that were crossing the line, things that weren't true, things that Alex can never forget. 

It's as if she planted this seed in his head that paints me as some sort of evil creature. I'm the conniving slut that plans to use Alex for all of his money and then throw him away like he never meant anything to me. That's how she sees me and that how she wants her son to see me. 

I tried to change the image she created in her mind about me a few weeks ago at dinner, but nothing really came of it. She sees what she wants to see and has no need or reason to change her mind once it is made up. 

"Alex, how has the surf business been going? Last time I checked you were busy with... other things." She stares me dead in the eye when she emphasizes the word "other" and her husband sits there completely unaware of the bullet his wife just shot at me. 

"Mom, it's going really well. I've created a few new boards in the past month for clients and I have a waitlist for more in the upcoming weeks."

She's happy for him, I can tell. But I think she sees him as childish. I can tell by the way she fake smiles as she dishes green beans onto her plate.

"That's great that you have local clients, but have you thought about how to get your business noticed outside of Laguna Beach?"

Perfect. This is my chance to get on her good side, if that is even possible at this point. "Oh um Alex I actually have an idea for that. You know that I majored in business with an emphasis in marketing and that I work as a social media manager for a clothing company. I can maybe start an Instagram for your surf business to get it out there? Free of charge of course. Girlfriend discount." I throw the last part in to try to lighten the mood and cut the tension in the room.

Her jaw drops as she looks over at me. "Wow. What a great idea Leah." Then she turns to Alex. "I mean that's the least she can do now that she takes up a majority of your time, time that can be spent expanding your business."

So I tried my best and ended up with a disappointed mom and a ton of work that I have to do for free. 

As I work on the Instagram page for Alex's business, creating a logo and following potential clients, I look out the window, noticing that the day's gloom matches my mood. 

Why does Diane have to hate me so much? Why can't Alex make her see that I'm not who she thinks I am. I'm not perfect, but I'm not this horrible girl that she makes me out to be. 

Unable to focus on my work, I jump out of my desk chair to find Gabby. "Gabby, I really need your help."

She's throwing on her rain coat, putting her hood on before she walks into the heavy storm. "Can this wait until I get home? I'm running late."

"Running late? Where can you possibly be going in this weather? Especially when your BFF and her problems are right here?" I beg, giving her my best puppy dog eyes. 

"I'm hanging out with Em. We have a movie to catch in 20 minutes and I have to pick her up right now. But shoot, let's see if I can give you a quick fix."

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