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"Gabby!" I yell from my room as I rummage through the clothes in my closet, making a complete mess of my previously clean room. "I need your help with an outfit for tonight!"

"Is tonight the night?" she asks, carrying in an armful of tops from her closet and dropping them on my bed.

"If you mean tonight being our first 'real' date, then yes." I start going through Gabby's clothes, trying to pair one of her tops with one of my bottoms. We share the same size on top, but she was blessed on the back end where as I am as flat as a board.

"This." She grabs her light blue top with a low v neck and slightly puffy sleeves and pairs them with my black skinny jeans. "The blue top to go with your eyes, the black jeans because they go with anything, and your black chunky heel boots to give you some height and make your legs look longer."

"And this is why I have a fashion grad as my roommate," I joke, Gabby sticking her tongue out in response.

As I apply my makeup and touch up my hair in the bathroom Gabby follows me in. "So what are you guys doing tonight?"

"I'm actually not sure. He said it's a surprise." I can't help it when my cheeks turn red. And it definitely isn't from my blush I just applied. Alex knows how to make me feel special and just thinking about the date he has planned for us tonight makes my stomach flip. I haven't felt nerves like this since our real first date a year ago.

Just as I finish straightening the last section of my hair I hear my phone buzz on the bathroom counter.


I take a deep breath, grab my purse, and head for the door.

"You're telling me everything when you get back. I'll stay up all night if I have to," Gabby says from her spot on the couch.

"You know I will," I say, closing the door behind me and then shuffle down the stairs to meet Alex at his black 4-door Jeep Wrangler Rubicon.

Alex is waiting, leaning against the car, dressed in khaki pants and a black t shirt. "You look incredible," he compliments as he walks up to me. He places a hand on the small of my back and plants a soft kiss on my cheek before opening my door for me and helping me into his jeep.

He hops in on the other side, putting his jeep in drive and taking us to our surprise date.

"So, where are we going?" I wonder out loud.

"You'll see in about 20 minutes. Until then we can see if we are compatible."

Compatible? "What do you mean?"

"Music is a good way to see if you'll be my girlfriend by the end of this. I'll play a song and see if our music tastes align."

He plugs in his phone and I immediately hear the sound of country music. Oh no. I hate country music. Do I lie and say that I like it? Or do I tell the truth? A relationship built on lies will never last so I choose the latter.

"Umm, I'm not a huge fan of country, if I'm being honest." This date is already showing our differences. Wonderful.

"Well Leah, that makes me really... happy! Because I hate country music! You passed your first test."

I take a deep breath and brace myself for a stressful night. How many of these tests does he have planned?

I think Alex can tell that my stress level shot straight through the roof because I feel his hand on my thigh trying to comfort me. "You know I'm kidding right? I don't care what kind of music you like. I am happy that you don't like country, but I would never turn a date into a test. I just want to spend time with you."

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