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As hard as I try to stay focused on my conversation with Alex, my mind keeps running in circles, thinking about what would have happened, what could have happened, if Chase sat in his assigned seat from the very beginning. If Alex hadn't forced him out of it to sit with me. Would anything spark between Chase and I? Would we have dated? Would he have been my boyfriend? Would things have worked out between the two of us, never needing to go back in time. Or would it just have been a once in a lifetime encounter that led to absolutely nothing? I can't help but think about the different potential roads my life could have gone down, all the different experiences-


I fall out of my daze, again, and notice that everyone is standing, walking down the aisle to exit the plane. Well everyone except for me. 

"The plane landed, and well, everyone is leaving. Do you need help with your bag?"

I put my book in my backpack and throw it over my shoulder. "That would be super helpful, thank you."

We exit the plane together and I see Chase waiting for Alex. I walk with Alex in his direction. Chase has his arms crosses, giving Alex the death stare. This time I understand why. 

Alex gestures his hand from me to Chase and then Chase to me for introductions. "Chase, this is Leah. Leah, this is Chase." 

"Nice to meet you," I say, holding out my hand. Chase accepts and shakes mine in return, giving me a nod, but nothing verbal. 

Alex leans close and whispers in my ear. "Don't mind him, he's not a fan of flying. He's still getting his land legs back." Sure he is, Alex. I'm sure he is. 

"Anyways," Chase chimes in, "we have to get going, the uber is waiting for us." He grabs his bag and gives Alex a look letting him know that it's time to go. 

"I'm sure it can wait 30 seconds while I get Leah's number, right?" He flashes me that smile I know so well and I give in. This is why I went back in time. For Alex. This is exactly what I want, right?


I finally make it home after waiting around for an Uber for almost an hour. The airport definitely sucks, but I hate when your driver cancels on you. I hate even more when it happens five times in a row. 

I unlock the door and I piercing scream makes my ear ring the second my foot crosses the entry way. "LEAH YOU'RE HOME! FINALLY!" Before I can set my bag down I'm thrust into a bear hug. There is no way Mazy would hug me. She would probably insist that I clean off the wheels of my suitcase with a disinfectant wipe before rolling it through the apartment. So if it's not Mazy then it's... I pull back and scream as soon as I see her face.

It's Gabby. She's back. As my roommate. And my current best friend, not long lost friend from elementary school. I hold her tight, crushing her until she starts to squeal in pain. I never realized how horrible it was to lose your best friend until I did. Having a boyfriend has its perks, but nothing compares to the love of a lifelong friend. 

My body begins to shake as the tears well up in my eyes. I choke out what I hope to be a quiet sob, but I can't help the sound that rises over the lump in my throat. When Gabby realizes that I'm crying, she pries my hands from her and holds me at arms length. 

"Why are you crying? It has only been two weeks! I know I'm amazing and all but not enough to cry over." I can tell she's trying to cheer me up, but a wave of concern masks the humor in her voice. 

I wipe my eyes and try to hide my deep emotions for her. "Oh I just missed you. And I was reading this book on the plane that put me in a mood. You know how I can be when I read heavy books."

"Oh I know. I need to toughen you up." She wraps her arm over my shoulder and grabs my suitcase as we walk into my room. "So anything new? I need to know what happened in New York. Any boys? Please tell me you did something crazy and out of character. It's New York for crying out loud!"

I try not to make eye contact with her as I unload my clothes from my suitcase, but I can feel the heat rising, turning my cheeks hot pink. 

"I know that look, Leah. Who is he? What's his name? Does he have a New Yorker accent?"

She's right. She knows that look because she knows me better than anyone else. "I did meet someone, but it was on the plane. He's not from New York. He lives here, well in Laguna Beach."

Gabby's eyes light up and jumps from the bed, clapping her hands like it's a miracle that me of all people would meet a guy on the plane. Little does she know that this is the third time. "Oh my god. What's his name? When am I going to meet him? He really got placed next to you on a plan? This is straight out of a movie."

He didn't exactly get placed next to me on the plane I want to tell her. He forced his friend out of his seat. A friend that I would have been more than happy to sit with. But I want Alex. I've been given another chance to go back in time for Alex, not Chase. 

"His name is Alex. I haven't heard from him yet, but if he does text me and we go out, you will be meeting him very soon." I smile, unsure if it is genuine or not. I need to go to sleep so I can process the entirety of this bizarre situation. 

"You can tell me all about it on the way to the hospital. I'm sure your dad would love to hear about this new mystery man too."

Hospital? Why are we going to the hospital?

"Um, what?" I ask, concern clear on my face, my heart sinking. 

"Your dad? He was admitted right before you left."

My expression must not have changed because Gabby explains further, like for some reason I would have no idea why my dad is in the hospital. "It's only for good measure. His doctor needed to run tests and felt more comfortable with him staying for a few nights. He has been in and out but didn't want you to miss your trip."

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