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Alex greets me at the door with a kiss, deepening it when he closes the door behind me and slips his tongue between my lips. He kisses are one thing I will never, ever get tired of. 

He pulls me down the hall, pointing out every room as if I've never been in his house before. As I expected, everything looks exactly the same. The open entry way, the long hallway leading to the kitchen on the left and the massive living room that is bigger than the entirety of my apartment on the right. I halt as soon as I see something else that hasn't changed. Chase. His roommate. His head is tucked into a book and he has headphones on, not even noticing that anyone is home.

How could I have possibly forgotten that Chase lives here? In the same house. Occupying the same space that I will be in tonight. He can't possibly be eating dinner with us, right? This is a date, for two people. Alex and I. Not Chase. I can't be around him tonight. My undivided attention needs to remain on Alex. 

"...and garlic bread and some salad," Alex says, explaining the dinner he took the time to cook for me. At this point I have no idea what we are eating because I completely zoned out, thinking about a potential dinner with the three of us. So much for giving him my undivided attention. 

I nod, but Alex stills. "Is everything okay? You seem, uh, distracted." 

"Oh no, sorry. I'm all good." I quickly come up with an excuse on the spot. "I was just trying to remember if I locked my apartment before I left."

"Do you want to call Gabby to check?"

"Umm no I think it's fine. Can I use your bathroom though?"

"Of course. It's down the hallway on the left, under the stairs by the entryway. I'll pour us a glass of wine each?" he asks as he moves the food from the marble island in the center of the kitchen to the table. 

"Wine sounds great." As I turn to walk down the hallway, Chase gets up from the couch at the same exact time, both of us trying to squeeze down the hall at the same time. 

"Oh hey Leah. I didn't see you there. I was in the middle of a really good book and I have these amazing noise cancelling headphones so I could not hear a thing. What are you doing here?"

His eyes are bright and I can't help the feeling in the pit of my stomach when his mouth turns up into a smile, but when he starts to understand why I am in his home, the smile and lively eyes begin to fade. 

"Um Alex invited me over for dinner," I barely speak above a whisper, cracking my knuckles out of nervous habit. 

"That's great," Chase says, plastering a fake smile on his face. "Well I'll head upstairs so I don't interrupt. I hope it goes well."

Before I can respond, he is upstairs and out of sight. I try to rid the guilt from my conscience as I walk into the bathroom and lock the door behind me. Why do I feel this way? I shouldn't feel guilty for going out with Alex. He asked me and Chase didn't. That's not my fault. If Chase wanted an opportunity, he should have tried harder to keep that seat next to me. But maybe it's all in my head and he doesn't like me. And I don't like him. I DON'T KNOW. 

I dial Gabby's number and wait for her to pick up, which she does on the third ring.

"Leah? Aren't you at Alex's house?"

"Yes but I need your help. Chase is his roommate. He is here, in this house, right now."

"Oh shit. They are roommates? Seriously? Well isn't it your lucky day!"

"This isn't funny, Gabby. I am seriously freaking out. I locked myself in his bathroom and I don't think I have the willpower to get out and eat dinner. I can't do this."

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