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"You'll be staying here while Im away alright? It's much safer here." Dad said.

Surprisingly, he paid me a visit here. I didnt know he would buy some time.

"Roma and Rene are in good hands. They're currently serving in the state capitol." He added. I felt relieved knowing they are somewhere safe.

"How are you here?" He asked. I was shocked. My dad rarely asks how I am.

"I-Im good. Nothing to do much since I left my books back." I said. Chuckling for a bit. I sighed.

"I'll have those delivered by this evening. And as for your study, I already explained to your school the situation. You dont have to worry about anything now." He said. I nodded.

"Thanks Dad." I said. He didnt smile, just nodding.

"How's the captain treating you?" I suddenly gulped.

W-Why is he asking me such questions now? Did Levi told him anything?

"H-He's been nice to me." I said. Im not lying, nor telling all the details. Dad would freak out if he knew I have a boyfriend now.

"Hmm. Adelaide. There are numerous men in this chambers. I know because as I am on my way here, I could hear some scouts mumbling about you." I looked at him.


"I know you're not getting younger anymore but sixteen's still kinda young-"

"Dad? Just get straight to the point." I interupted him. He sighed.

"Im not here to keep an eye on you so I need you to promise me." He said. I gulped. I have a feeling that he didnt even said a word yet but I felt like I already broke it.

"Yes Dad?"

"Dont fall in love yet, darling. I'll go nuts if you get pregnant at this time-"


"What? Im just stating a fact! You know old was your mother when we had Aiden-"

"Dad." He knew he should stop. Especially mentioning brother. I sighed. Those titans already took so much from us.

Since wall Maria fell, I lost half of my life's purpose.

Dad noticed my silence so he cleared his throat to get my attention back.

"I'll visit again once Im free. Take care of yourself hmm?" I nodded. He took a glance at me before leaving my room. I sighed.


Night has already fallen when a scout knocked on my room telling me my father delievered some package downstairs. I wore a robe before going out to pick three medium sized boxes that our horse master dropped by. He told me he'll be the one bringing those to my quarters but I noticed he's in a rush so I answered him not to bother anymore.

After he left I was already thinking of a plan on how could I get those huge boxes up stairs.

"Need a hand?" I heard someone spoke behind me. I looked back and saw Reiner. I smiled.

"It's fine. I wouldnt want to bother you-Hey!" I couldnt even finish what was I about to say when he lifted the three boxes at once. He's that strong?

"Lead the way, princess." He said. I smiled embarrassingly before telling him directions of where is my room.

After a while we reached to my door and opened it to let him place the boxes somewhere.

" You read all of those books?" He asked with disbelief. I chuckled.

"Yeah. But there's still plenty back in out home but Dad only brought a few.

"A-A few!?" I laughed.

"You're not into books I assumed" I smiled. He kinda scratched the back of his head

"Im more of a warrior person." He said. I can see it in his physique.

"Thank you for helping me Reiner. I appreciate it." I said. He smiled.

"Anytime princess." He said. I smiled.

"You know that a general's daughter is addressed as Lady. Not princess Cadet Braun." I heard a cold and stoic emotionless voice speaking. I gulped when I knew who's voice was that.


"C-Captain!" Reiner salutes at him. He didnt even looked at him, but only to me.

"L-Levi he was just helping me with my books outside-"

"I'll take it from here. Go to bed. You and the others will be leaving for orvud today." He said. Reiner nodded and looked at me to smile before going out. When were finally alone, I looked at Levi and was about to say something when I saw his angry face?


"Next time, just knock on my door if you need anything." He said. I bit my lip.

"I thought you were busy since I didnt saw you since you placed me here-"

"So you asked that big ass blonde instead?"

"I-I went downstairs by myself. Reiner and I just bumped into each other-"

"So it was destiny playing shitty games with both of you then-"

"Why are you suddenly being grumpy?" I asked. It's as if I commitef a crime for accepting help?

"Tch. You wont get it." I rose a brow on him.

"How would I get it if you wont tell me why you're suddenly being angry-"

"Im pissed not angry. Know the difference woman-"

"Then why are you pissed-"

"You're really that innocent?" He asked with awe. I looked at him confusingly.

"What are you even talking about-" I didnt even finish I sentence when Levi rushed to me and brushed his lips against mine.

Ahh! Not again...

He pinned me by the wall that made me clung into his nape, letting my fingers move on his hair while feeling his knee brushing in between my thighs, causing that ticklish pleasuring sensation.

He pulled from the kiss when I muffled a moan, smirking at me before speaking. Then he ran a finger on my cheek, touching me sweetly before kissing my lips lightly and shortly this time.

"Dont make me jealous again, my love. You wont like me when Im pissed." He strode out quickly before shutting my door, leaving me breathless.

What was that all about?

And he's jealous?