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“It’s the blade titan!” I heard some of the enemy fleet yelling as they were in panic while loading tanks and other weapons against Lenos who was now in his full rage.
Spinning like a tornado as his blades slice off bullet trains and anti titan weaponry, I gave his spin flames that made it look like a fire tornado which caused massive explosions on his targets.
Over all, we have put down a dozen of anti titan squads nearby.
“Adelaide! Behind you!” I heard Pieck yelling while she aims on their target. I looked at my back and saw a bullet train firing at us. Levi does not know how to harden his nape so I have to make sure it won’t be targeted and be able to be blown by.
I blasted shots of flame cannons at the train and was destroyed afterwards. Lenos glances at me as a signal to follow him and so I did.
“We have to clear the path for Zeke before the other rival fleets make it to the shore. We won’t be able to stop them by then.” I said. His titan form nods and made his way to slice off trains filled with anti titan weapons and other paraphernalia that could take down a titan even if it is a titan shifter.
“We cannot let them go near our ships. That would be a problem.” Pieck said when she got the chance to stand near us.
Lenos steams out of his titan form making me look alert because he might be going out due to an injury but luckily, it was to speak and tell us his idea.
“Let Porco scratch all the trains out. Pieck, you have to let the Panzer Unit take away those snipers and gun powered soldiers. “ lenos said. Then he looks at me like he has a plan to for me.
“ Let’s do that fire tornado again. Then make sure to lit their towers and make them explode. That will cut both communication signal and place for snipers to position.” I nodded at him.
He might lost his memories but his great military tactics were still evident.
“Once the coast is clear, fire a signal for the War Chief and the commander to follow us and do the talking.” We all nodded and went to our posts.
“This might hurt so much.” I murmured to myself as I fired those flame balls and combined it with Lenos’ spinning technique making a flaming effect on his spins.
Getting into the heat of battle, I realized things that might make me stop moving. Just like realizing I came to this extent of helping my country’s worst enemy nation just to keep my eye on Levi as well as protecting him since Zeke is using the path to black mail me.
Lenos once again went outside of his titan form. Looking at me, he spoke.
“D-Don’t you dare die.” That was all he said before he went inside his titan once again, leaving me flabbergasted.
I-Is he concerned?
I shook my head and forced myself to fight.
This is to keep him safe, Adelaide and not because you are siding with Marleyans.
"Fire!" I have never seen in my entire life people bombing each other during combat. Maybe minor explosions but this directly? Nope. Too much violence.

"Your highness! We trust you!" I heard Pieck in her titan voice said. i immediately nodded and went to my door to look at my subordinates.

A gun was pointed at me and before it couldve fired at me, Levi...

"Adelaide!" He protected me by making his self a shield against those multiple anti titan shell gunshots.

As Lenos was shot by those anti-titan shell of the enemy country, I grew worried and rushed as fast as I can.

Every second, they kept firing at him.

"L-Levi!" I yelled, couldnt tame the fear of losing him once again.

He fell into the ground, luckily Zeke and Porco aided him while I set foot to charge back at the fleet that damaged him.

"I wont let anything take you away from me again, Levi." I said within myself before I condensed a huge spinning ball of explosive flame and just like what happened years ago, I once again flamed so hard and my hair turned blonde again.

"Now it's my turn to protect you."

I screamed my frustrations out as I let out the ball and fired it towards the enemy fleets. The light from the skies were also dimmed for a second as I let its energy be absored by flaming ball I created.

The ball was fired and causing a huge wipeout effect, flattening the whole fort, turning each structure into dust, leaving nothing but ashes.

W-What have I done?

Before I could even feel any remorse, I heard steams gushing out from the warriors. Levi was removed from his titan form. Porco looked at him so I immediately flew down but right before I could go any closer, my sight became blurry, causing me to collapse.

"Adelaide!" I heard Porco yelling and right on time he caught me in between his arms.

Just before I drifted into the darkness, I saw a glimpse of Levi gaining conciousness, reaching or more like pointing at me. I can see in his eyes the feeling of being worry towards me. I couldnt help but tear down before darkness consumed my being.
