C H A P T E R S I X T Y - O N E : R U M B L I N G

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I was left at the port with my brother as I saw Lenos' physique slowly fading in vastness. I sighed and hoped silently that he would be okay and no harm especially to my son will happen.

As far as I know, today will only be used for surveillance. They will not yet infiltrate.

"He will be fine. How many times did he already experienced near death situations?" I heard my brother from beside me. I sighed and nodded at his remark and decided to go back inside the tent that was made for my detention as always.

Even though this is just a look out plan yet, I still worry for my son's safety.

Eren wasnt answering in the paths too that made me worry even more. But I have trust in him that he put Leviathan somewhere safe. That includes Reiner's protection.

Reiner...Im sorry.

I know what I did days ago, with Lenos will hurt him so much. He was with me since that day and I wanted to avoid doing things that may hurt him but here I am.

Those moments that Reiner took very good care of me is still vivid in my mind.


I was already nine months pregnant and still the baby isnt coming out yet.

Reiner was calling every single doctor in town especially Hange. The latter was always laughing to see how anxious Reiner is.

"You're far more scared than the pregnant young lady here, Reiner!". Hange was laughing at heart's content.

"But she's not yet giving birth! It's been already nine months and turning into an additional one week Hange! She might explode or something!" And right now, I laughed with Hange as well.

"What the hell Reiner? Are you actually dumb or something?" Eren mumbled as he entered my room. He smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead.

"Eren! It's already been passed her due date. How can she actually carry the baby for more than that period of time." I couldnt contain my tears from laughing so hard. Then I heard my Dad's voice from behind.

"Im not surprised if you will pass out when Adelaide gives birth." Dad waved at me so I smiled. The others laughed.

Several doctors told me it was a natural thing that an unborn child will come out prior or beyond the due date.

"Reiner, you can calm d-down now." I slowly said. I sat up on the bed from laying down and now Im standing. Perhaps everyone already noticed and Reiner, suprisingly he knew what to do and was far from passing out.

"I-It's coming." I whispered as I winced in pain due to contractions.

Reiner advised to call the midwife as he carries me back to bed and placed his hand on the back ok my head as the other one massages my baby bump while I winced in pain.

"This is why I did not marry." Hange whispered as the latter tries to calm me down by coaching me proper breathing methods.

"Y-You're gonna be okay, Addie. H-Hold on!" Reiner was more agitated than I am.

"The midwife's on her way" Eren announced when he entered the room again, panting like he just ran. Dad on the other hand looked so scared just like Reiner here who was already sweating.

Then my mind traveled once again...

Will Levi have the same reaction?

I just came back to life when I heard the midwife asking me to lay down properly and control myself before pushing the baby out.

"Adelaide you can do this-" I didnt let Reiner finish his sentence when I spoke while feeling every ounce of pain.

"Im already doing it! D-Damn it!" One sting of pain to another.

After almost half an hour of labor, I finally heard a loud sobbing of a baby. My tears suddenly gushed out.

"I-It's a boy, sweetheart." Dad, who sounded emotional said. I smiled immediately as I carried my son. He suddenly stopped crying as he sucked on my breast. The midwife said it was fine and the baby was just latching on me to drink some milk.

"H-He's so precious." Eren was grinning. I looked at Hange who was already teary eyed.

"T-That's our little shorty right there." I cried once again. I knew what that meant. And yes, he got his father's eyes.

"What is his name, your highness?" The midwife asked. I smiled and looked at my son.

"Leviathan...Leviathan Ackerman." And like he heard it, my son actually smiled that made me chuckle. I suddenly looked at Reiner who was silently staring at Leviathan, tears were also soaking his face.

"You can hold him, Reiner." I smiled and handed him Leviathan. He was shocked at first but gently and carefully placed my son on his arms and cradled him. I thought Leviathan was about to whine but surprisingly, my son giggled.

I looked at Reiner who was so focused on Leviathan.

"Hey little guy...From now on, Papa Reiner will always be with you,and Momma." I smiled and in my mind, thanked him for this moment.

But still I imagined and hoped it was him who was here. That Levi will say his own vows as our son's father.


I sighed with that vivid memory flashing back. Those were the times I badly needed Levi.

Should I tell Levi now? Of what we have before he cant remember everything?

Maybe the path will not punish me. After all, he already is suspicious about me. Maybe it was also his instinct to do what we did days ago.

At some point, I felt it was him, Levi and not Lenos.

I needed him to know.


I want and longed for him to know.

And with that, I decided to escape this fort and make for it to follow Lenos and tell him everything.

I was about to burn the ship to gain attention when I felt something that stings on a spot where my nape is. I felt something like a dart then suddenly my vision went blurry. All of a sudden, I collapsed.


I woke up, feeling a sharp pain on my head. I can feel sand around me. I immediately stood and saw an unfamiliar sight.

There was no Sun. The sky was weird. And there were glowing lights that my eyes followed and saw a huge glowing tree not that far from where I am standing.

I was about to panic when I saw Eren, Zeke whom I heard that he will run in the woods and back to Shiganshina to check what is happening outside.

Wait. Outside?

Where am I?

Then my eyes came across who was beside him. My mouth parted when I remembered who she is.That girl in my visions years ago. It is her

"Finally we've met, Adelaide."

I could not contain my shock and fear at the same time.
