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“I know what I saw Commander, it’s him. It’s the captain!” I heard Jean convincing Hange about what we saw.

I know with my own eyes that whom I saw was really him. That same feeling of familiarity that I longed for so long…

I know within that it is really him.

Levi… I know it’s you.

“Did you look at him closely? A-Adelaide-“

“I went down to check if the shifter was alive or not, to my surprise it’s really him Hange. With no doubt, with no second thoughts, that hair line, that facial expression. Hange I am sure it is him-“

“Apparently it seems he has no memories about being Levi. They call him Lenos.” Eren said. Hange looked at his direction and looked at his face. Eren looked curious and confused but right before he could even speak, Hange kicked him in the face.

“Eren!” Mikasa cried out of worry as she rushed Eren

“ Hange!” I hissed as I helped Mikasa to lift Eren up. Eventually, the wound in his lips healed in an instant.

“That’s for disobeying orders.” She said. Everyone was still in shock due to the following events.

First, the lost comrades we obtained. Sasha unfortunately was one of those who died. And that’s because of that child who shot her. Now Connie’s hysterical

“Your highness. It’s up to you what will we do with these kids.” Jean said. I looked at the both of them. The boy was frightened. The girl on the other hand looked at us like we really are the devils.

I moved closer to them. To see their faces. Specifically to the girl who shot Sasha.

“ What are your names?” I asked them. I tried to contain my tears knowing one of them killed my friend.

“I-I am Falco and she’s G-Gabi-“ Falco, the boy wasn’t able to finish his sentence when Gabi, the girl spit on my face. Everyone was shocked especially me of course but I didn’t let it affect me. After all, they were just fed up with what their government wants them to feel about us.

“Your highness!” I heard Armin as he rushed near me to give me a towel.

“You little bitch! How dare you do that to the princess?!” I hushed Mikasa to calm down and let me do the talking. If these children are the warrior candidates, then maybe they know something about Levi.

“G-Gabi!” Falco hissed as he tries to calm down Gabi who was furiously looking at me.

“ Look. I am not going to hurt you-“

“I don’t need your damn pity! You demons have killed so many people today. Did you even feel remorse about that?!” I closed my eyes for a bit.

Adelaide, calm yourself. They’re only children.

“ Im at fault, Gabi. I was the one who destroyed the plaza. Do not put the blame to them-“

“Because of them the soldier I considered family died with a gunshot on his head! Thanks to that Sasha you’ve been grieving on!” I looked away.

H-How could they kill people like it was just some sort of game.

“Your highness if I may speak-“

“We are not killing children, Connie. This mission was to rescue Eren and nothing more-“

“She killed Sasha!”

“So are you gonna justify their claims about us being devils?” He didn’t say anything.


“Eren. Please tell me you thought of avoiding the deaths of innocent people in that event.” He also didn’t dare to speak. I sighed and breathed

“ Adelaide. Im sorry-“

“Im sorry. Gabi, Falco.” I said. The two of them looked shock with I have said. Are we that evil in their eyes?

“Just because the princess asked for forgiveness to the both of you for what Eren caused, it doesn’t mean all of us feel the same-“

“Connie, that’s enough.” I said.


“Do not talk to me Eren. You knew there were children there.” I said. Armin was trying to calm me down.

“We’re heading back to Paradis your highness with those two?” Hange asked as she looked at those children.

“They might have information about Levi.” I said.

“Hmm. I agree. Especially these two are warrior candidates according to their arm bands.” She replied.

“Let us go this instant! I swear to God if Lenos will know about you kidnapping us he will tear you all down-“

“You know Lenos?” I asked. Gabi was also surprised to maybe see my reaction about Levi.

“What do you want with him? “ She asked in a defensive tone.

“Answer her highness politely, kid!” Jean hissed.

“L-Lenos is the Blade titan you saw earlier-“

“What the hell Falco! You cant just sell out information like that especially to these devils!”

“Gabi they will kill us if we wont tell something!” Falco hissed.

“I was just asking about him-“

“Your highness based with your expression earlier when Gabi mentioned Lenos, it seems you know him. Did he came from Paradis?” He asked. My mouth parted. I did not answer his question.

“Adelaide. We know it’s really him-“

“H-He doesn’t remember anything. Those eyes. It was really his. The stares were really him yet he doesn’t know me.” I answered Armin.

“Of course he doesn’t know you. He hates your race!” Gabi interfered. Why is she so defensive about him?

“Hold them captive when we arrive. Ask them for information, especially about Lev-Lenos.” Hange ordered. I did not dare to protest. I need to know anything that has happened to him for the past five years.

A few hours later, we have arrived in the port where Reiner was waiting. As the Vice Commander, it is his duty to watch over the scout movements while Hange is not around.

I went down first and rushed to him. He was smiling at me while I was running fast with tears bursting down from my eyes as I buried myself to his embrace. I know he felt that I was not alright.

“Addie, what happened?” He asked me. He tried to dry my tears using his fingers but I was just crying even more.

“R-Reiner I-“ Before I could even talk more, Reiner and I’s attention went to the voice who called his name.

“Reiner!” I heard Gabi yelled as she tried to go near him. I saw how Reiner was shocked to see both children.

“Gabi! My cousin! Falco!” He said as he hugged the two.

“I-I thought we will never get to see you again!” Gabi said as she embraced Reiner.

“How did you arrive here?” Reiner asked and I answered.

“She s-shot Sasha.” I answered. Reiner’s eyes were in pain to hear that one of our friends died in the hands of someone he knows.

“H-How-Gabi! Why did you do such thing!?” He was furious.

“They have manipulated you! I killed her because she shot a marleyan solider!” Gabi defended herself.

“Reiner, that’s enough…” I said and grabbed his arm. He looked at me and sighed.

“Why are friends with that woman-“ Gabi was not able to finish due to the voice we all heard behind us.

“Mummy!” I automatically smiled when Levithan approached and hugged me so tight. I kissed his forehead and cheeks. Reiner carried him to level my face.

“Levithan! I missed you so much sweetie.” I said my son smiled and answered.

“I missed you more Mom! Papa Reiner and I played a lot while you were away!” I just chuckled and pinched his nose.

“P-Papa Reiner?!” I looked at Gabi who was furious of what she have heard. I was about to defend Reiner when he spoke.

“Gabi, this is Leviathan. My son. Hey big guy greet your aunt Gabi!” Leviathan looked amused.

“Hello Aunt Gabi!” Gabi still looked like she have seen a ghost.

“Y-You married that woman?!” Reiner immediately handed Leviathan over to Rene as soon as Gabi started yelling.

“Gabi not in front of our son-“

“That child is not blonde. How come you believed that it’s yours-“

“Mine or not. Married or not, Adelaide and Leviathan are family. Now respect that. You have no power in this place.” I held Reiner’s hand to calm him down.

“That’s right Marleyan. In this country, you are the devils.” Connie said out of spite.

“So what do you want to talk about? There is something bothering you.” Reiner asked. I was about to answer when Reiner saw Eren.


“Captain Levi’s alive…” He said before he, Armin and Mikasa walked away. Reiner looked shock and looked at me.

“Levi’s alive?” I nodded slowly. He didn’t speak, instead, he hugged me so tight.


“I won’t let anything harm you and our son, That’s a promise.” He said. I smiled. But still I wondered out of the blue.

What if Levi was still here? Will he say the same thing?