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"That's why Mom keep telling Dad you're not gone..." I said he looked at me with his hands on my palms. I smiled to asure him I am not mad.

"I never went home because the restorationists promised me something." I looked at him.

"In order for the survival of Paradis, The founder will have to touch a person of royal blood-"

"You mean us?" He nodded.

"We always hug each other even my son-"

"Y-you have a child?" It seems he doesnt know then?

"Leviathan's turning four now-"

"H-How come you got pregnant so early-"

"Even mom coudlnt stop it in her visions."

"Who's the father?" He asked me. I bit my lip.

"His name is Levi. A lance corporal in ghe survey corps." I said. He seemed surprised.

"Im sure he will be coming to save you-"

"H-He's here but he doesnt remember me." I said with pain in my voice.

How come I did not see him in my vision? Am I blinded by pain all these years?

"What do you mean he is here? If that is true we can ask for Lenos' help to find him-"

"Lenos is Levi, Ni-Chan." I said. I felt how heavy and shocking his reaction was.

"L-Lenos Fritz is y-your-"

"He was captured by Zeke, took advantage of Levi's amnesia. I just found out he was alive when we saved Eren back in Liberio." I said. He looked at me with sympathy.

"But I cant tell him about it. It will be against the principle of foreseeing the future if I did tell him."

"His real name is Levi Ackerman." His stares tell me that he is interested. I continued.

"He is a Lance Corporal in the Survey Corps. A former squad member of Mom-"

"Ackerman? Then-"

"Yes. He is strong. He's known to be humanity's strongest soldier back in the walls-"

"H-How did Dad take it-"

"He had a feeling already right before I told him about me and Levi. All these years...I mourned every day, from the moment I open my eyes until the very last minute before I close them to sleep. After years, he was just here, not knowing about everything he left behind the island." I didnt realize that I was already tearing up.

"If it werent for Levithan, I probably died already. Every single day Im being reminded of that scene that happened just in front of me."

"Seeing him eaten by that cart titan, remembering that nightmare. Im struggling on how will I react." Aiden rubbed my back.

"Should I be happy too see him alive and well? Should I be hopeful once again?" I sobbed. It just hurts so bad.

"But why am I feeling this sting in my chest? Is it because I feel regretful that I ended waiting for him to get home back and marry me?"

"I-I just cant sink it all in at once. Looking at him alive, fighting for the wrong people. Sniling for the wrong reason and being alive without even remembering me and that is not his fault." I bursted into tears.

"Adelaide...You have to calm down-"

"I just want him back, Ni chan. I just want my lover to see me as his moon in this world full of stars again."

"I-I want him to remember about loving me once again."

"God knows how much I have longed for him. and how much Leviathan idolizes him even if it was only in our stories "

"I-I cant let him be far from me again. I wont let that happen for the second time around "

"Heaven may disown me someday but if me siding these Marleyans just to get Levi back I will" My brother sighed with my remark.

"I dont have the right to go against that. I mean look at me." He smiled with pain in his eyes.

"I knew that day I went back inside with Zeke and the others, the moment I went to Levi's office. You were the one I saw and right before my very eyes. The sister I longed to take care of, was that." He tucked some strands of my hair behind my ear which made me tear eyed.

I wasnt able to control myself and hugged Aiden so tight. He hugged me back with the same longingness.

"Im so glad to see you, Adelaide." I smiled and hugged him even tighter.

"I am too, Ni-chan."

Our talk went for a while before we heard a knock on the door and seeing Levi-Lenos going in.

"Hate to gate crash but I need to take her to the barracks now." He said, looking at me. Aiden nodded and gave me a kiss on the forehead saying he will interact with me when he sees a chance.

As we go out, Levi was grabbing my arm again. I grown pissed of it.

"I wont escape you know." I sarcastically said.

"Not even threatened princess. Im just being careful." Minutes later, we entered a room where it was so neat like it wasnt been used before.

I felt a sensation of familiarity. Just like the old times, he was still a clean freak.

"You will be staying in the bed. I already changed the covers. Also dont think of doing anything stupid ."  I chuckled sarcastically.

"Like I'll be able to." he just smirked and handed be a bag of clothes.

"I bought you some while you were talking to Aiden. I had to buy you some garments since you look indecent with that ankle showing nighties." I suddenly felt flustered.

H-How could he!

"Also, I wont be stopping myself until Ill get an answer from you about my real identity." I looked at him.

If only it was just thar easy.

"I told you I dont know-"

"When I bought those clothes, I didnt even think of what size will fit you instead a single figure came in my mind." I swallowed.

"M-Maybe you're looking too much you perv!" He even chuckled.

"Actually, I have a hint that we're lovers in my past life arent we?" My breathing hitched. Later on he smirked.

"Kidding. Besides, if we happen to be one, I'll be just burned up by you and your fire balls." He gave me a cup of tea and placed it on the bed side table.

"Commander Magath ordered me to take you to him. If I were you I will answer his questions and get over it. It's for your own good." I looked in his eyes the moment he said those few words in the end.

He may not remember me but I can feel his care.

"When will I see Aiden again?" I asked. He looked at me and spoke.

"Whenever I'll get the chance of leading Zeke away from you. From time to time He will be visiting here." I smiled. I wanna catch up with Aiden Ni-Chan.

"You should get some rest now. But clean your feet before going to bed! You'll dirty the sheets." He said and went inside the bathroom. I chuckled.

Guess it's really him. Still a clean freak spinning knife.