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It's been hours since I woke up from my unconciousness earlier. Since I am locked up in this chamber and judging by the movement of the ground, we are inside a ship. I panicked since I realized it.

"Help! Somebody please!" I tried yelling then chuckled sarcastically.

Who would help an enemy of Marley in this boat full of Marleyans.

And speaking of Marley, I suddenly remembered how I got here. My chest suddenly palpitated to fast.

"Levi..." I uttered out of nowhere and just like the perfect timing, I heard the chains from the outside lock of the door of this chamber I am in.

It was unlocked by someone and when the door opened, the figure of him showed up. He was smirking which made me gulped. I dont know why but it's not fear that I am feeling right now.

"Rise and shine princess." He said in a playful and mischievous tone. I hissed. I cant let him know about me knowing him.

"Where are we? Why am I here? What do you want from me-"

"Now now. Settle down first will you? I havent even got to introduce myself." What's with the attitude?

"Pleasure meaning you, your highness. I am Lenos Fritz. Your worst nightmare in Marley." The audacity to smirk at me!

"I-I dont care who you are. I need to go back-"

"Cant let that happen. I'll go straight to the point-You know something about me that I dont. Am I right?" My eyes widened.

No. I cant let him know. Ive figured this out. If he will know who he is at this moment before he even remembers by himself, it would cause more wars between our nations.

"I dont have time knowing the likes of you." I tried my best to stay calm and focused. He closed his eyes and chuckled.

"What a shame. Too bad I traveled this far just to meet a devil like you. Being in the high ranks doesnt make you smell any better than the rest of your petty race." Something inside me felt a pang of pain.

As much as I wanted him to remember me, I have to consider the long term outcomes first.

I cant risk it.

"Good for you. I dont wanna be near you too. You disgust me. Just let me go will you?" He rose a brow at me. How nostalgic-Adelaide now's not the time to reminisce.

"Come to think of it, you can flame up and destroy this ship. Why didnt you do it?" Hs suddenly asked. He may not remember things but sure his observant side remained.

"I-Im not heartless like you. If I did fire this whole vessel,the innocent soldiers who were just forced to join the military will die and I am not that kind of a person." I said. But thats not all of it.

If I did that, you'll get hurt.

"I see. But I am having a hard time believing you." I tried my best not to loose my composure here.

"Believe me or not I really dont care Marleyan-" He stopped me right there.

"Im not like them." My lips parted.

He knows that he's not a Marleyan?

"Im an Eldian. Zeke told me. But I have no memories of my past-"

"And why would that bother me-"

"Because the moment you saw me that night on Liberio, your eyes showed that I am someone you know-"

"How would I know an enemy-"

"Precisely...Am I?" I had a hard time answering. I am really exerting effort here not to loose my sanity.

God knows how much I want to stand up and throw myself in his embrace. To feel his touch and kiss again.

"Adelaide." My eyes widened as I heard him calling me by my name.

D-Did he remember anything now?

"That's your name right?" My shoulders fell fron its stiff posture.

There I thought he already has a glimpse of his past.

"Adelaide...I wont stop until I'll make you admit and tell me everything." I just looked at him with awe. His emotions... He looked like he was longing for something.

I wasnt able to control my tears and it began falling down. I saw how Levi's reaction turned from a shocked one into him being worried?

"W-Why are you-"

"J-Just let me go home please..." I cant Levi. I cant risk telling you everything.

"Im sorry. I cant." I looked at his eyes and he looked into mine. I was still in tears as he looked like examining my face.

"When I sneeked inside Paradis, I felt like Ive known the place my whole life. Am I from the island?" He asked me. I avoided his stares but still I answered.

" I dont know what you're talking about-"

"Dont underestimate me woman, Im not dumb-"

"Then you should have known who you are if you arent." I said. Im now sobbing a lot more than earlier. He laughed sadly.

"I'll make sure you will speak. Maybe not now but it wont be long until you'll be the one telling me my story." He said.

"One of our marleyan soldier whom you held captive reported to us and mentioned that former warrior candidate now traitor of Marley Reiner Braun is alive and a high ranking military officer in Paradis. Is that true?" He asked me.

"Dont you dare hurt him-"

"Protective? I see. Your lover?" He asked me with a pissed smirk. I rose a brow at him.

"Excuse me!? Being captive doesnt make you have the rights to pry on my personal life-"

"Defensive arent we?"

"Why you-"

"Even if she doesnt answer, Lenos, Reiner is indeed in Paradis. Vice commander of the Survey Corps. Also the princess' rumored lover-"


"It's been a while, Lady Adelaide." He was even smiling. I couldnt contain my flames. My arms emitted blue flame, my wrists closed making the fire bigger around my hands.

"A-Adelaide you stop right now-" I didnt let Levi finish.

"You ruined my life. You took my everything from me-"

"I just borrowed what I took from you Princess. I mean you can always get it and tell everyone what happened-"

" Okay that's enough Zeke. Princess, we'll leave you alone but let me remind you, this ship has numerous of young soldiers. Escaping is not an option here. " I didnt answer. 

They left me alone and locked the door. I sighed.

It hurts again...