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" Are you sure you'll be meeting Reiner? I mean we are still not sure what side he is on-". I stopped Eren from talking.

"It will be fine, Eren. Trust me on this." He really insisted on coming with me while talking to Reiner.

"Alright then." He sighed knowing he wont win against me. I just smiled and nodded before reaching Reiner's cell.

The military policemen who guard his cell opened the metal door making me visie to Reiner. He looked disoriented and he got slimmee too.


"Reiner!" I looked at both of his guards. "I did not forget to tell not to starve him. Why did he got slimmer?" I raised my brow on the both of them. They just looked down and asked for an apology.

I went inside his cell and ask Eren and the others to leave the both of us.

"You can leave us here." I said. Eren's eyes widened but I gave him a look of assurance that I will be alright.

"Fine. Thirty minutes then Im coming in again." I smiled.

"Thank you Eren." He just nodded and had the other military police follow him out of Reiner's cell. When we were finally alone, I went inside and sat beside him on his bed.


"How are you?" I asked with a smile on my face. He looked shocked.

"I-Im fine." He answered. Then he looked at me again.

"Whar about you?" He asked me. I just sighed.

"Still trying to cope up with everything that has happened." I answered. He sighed too.

"Adelaide...I want you to believe that Im on your side." I looked at him.

"I know. I trust you Reinr." he looked at me with disbelief.

"Y-You do?" I nodded.

"You helped me that day, that's enough loyalty for me." I said.

"About my home...It's outside the walls. Outside this island." My eyes widened.

"I-Island?" I asked.

"You see, Walls Maria, Rose and Sina are built in the middle of this huge land in the middle of the sea." I know what a sea was. I would usually see it in my visions.

"In your visions, Im pretty sure you know about Marley." I nodded.

"In Marley, my hometown, there are two kinds of people. Those who are born Marleyans get to be free and unjudged. While us Eldians in that country, we are inside a containment area, always being discriminated by Marleyans. Blaming us for a sin that we didnt commit." I knew about that sin.

"The titan war isnt it?" He nodded.

"The only time where they accept Eldians like us is when they pick those who deserve to be titan shifters. We're called as warriors." He said. I listened carefully.

"Just like me, when we were picked as the one who inherits the power of any of the titans our country has, us including our family will be known as honorary marleyans, making us accepted in our society " I looked down.

Reiner... Youve been through so much.

"I-I didnt spy on Paradis because I wanted to.." His voice was sad and full of emotion.

"I just needed to follow orders for me and my mother to be accepted by my father..." I looked at him.

"But now, I wont care about the fact that I would be accepted or not. As long as I will keep you and the others safe." I smiled and got carried away by tearing up.

"T-Thank you...Reiner." I ended up hugging him. He hugged me back.

"I got your back from now on Addie. Always." He said. And just like that, for a long period of time, since that day we reclaimed wall maria, I smiled genuinely.

"No. It's thank you Adelaide for accepting me again." I nodded.

"Now let's get you out of this cell. What would you feel about being the vice chief of the scouts?" I asked him. He seemed to be surprised.

"A-Adelaide. What about the others? I bet they are still mad at me-"

"They wanted you back to the regiment so dont worry. Besides, it will be better for you to have that position because you fit the description." I said. He smiled with grattitude.

And before I could even stand up to call Eren, my vision went blurry again that made me feel dizzy at some point.

"Adelaide?" Reiner asked as he assisted me on standing.

"Are you alright?" He asked me. I just nodded.

"Im fine...Im just a little bit dizzy-" and before I could say more, I heard a voice behind me. A child's voice calling.

"Mom!" A young boy ran but passed through me.

W-What is happening?

Before I could even think more, my head spinned that caused me to fell out of balance.

"Adelaide!" that was the last thing I heard before I passed out.


"How are you feeling right now?" Reiner asked As I woke up from that moment I collapsed.

He told me that I passed out so he carried me to call for help.

"I little bit dizzy but Im fine now. No hallucinations like earlier-" Wait...

"Reiner... What happened to the kid?" I saw how he looked so confused.

"Kid?" He repeated.

"Yes. There was a child back in the dungeon so I was about to grab him when I suddenly passed out-"

"Adelaide...There was no child." He said to me. I shot him a disbelief look.

How can I not be right? It felt so real. Or maybe I was really hallucinating?

"Your highness." We were interrupted by Hange's voice as she went inside my room along with my father and the other scouts.

"How are you sweetie?" He asked me. I smiled weakly to assure him that I am alright.

"Im good now Dad. You dont have to worry about me." Then I heard Hange cleared her throat so I paid attention.

"Since when did you feel nauseous Adelaide?" She asked me. I was remembering when did that frequent diziness started.

"About a week now. The first time was the day after the fallen scouts were burried." She nodded and didnt ask questions related to that day making me feel not uncomfortable anymore.

"When was your last period?" She suddenly asked. I brows furrowed for a moment before I fully understood what she meant by that. Also dad's eyes were widened as he heard the question .

"H-Hange? It seems like a-am I-"

"You are pregnant Adelaide." Just like that, as if she was dropping a thunder speare with her revelation.

The others were shocked. Eren was speechless while Armin was mumbling words I couldnt understand. Reiner beside me looked so surprised especially Dad.

And as for me?

I just found out.

Oh God.

"Im pregnant..."