Sunday night :)

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Hey lovelies, hope every one's alright...

we've been thinking of having a new cover. Anyone wants to make us one? PM us to let us know if you're interested.

And here's the new chappie.. Read on :)

Back home after the fair.

Liam's POV

One by one we all reached home and waited for Louis to come with the food. We had had to drop Perrie , Dani and El home first .

" he's really not buying anything for me?" Niall asked suddenly genuinely worried .

" Why must he? You've got your three doughnuts in the bag !" Zayn teased him.

" Nope dude of course he'll buy !" I reassured him .

"Plus if he doesn't I'm making you pancakes !" Faith said cheering him up .

When he did come , we gathered in front of the TV and asked Ellie to choose a movie . We ended up watching " Men In Black " . Once it was over Heather turned the lights on and woah! The place looked like a real mess !

" I'll let you go for today , but you're cleaning up tomorrow !" I warned them .

" Why ? It's like a cozy little pig sty !" Niall joked.

Heather's POV

Liam : Okay guys it's late now , so who's sleeping where ?

We all kept quiet , feeling momentarily guilty . Earlier we had all jumped on the bed Faith and I shared the previous night . Yeah you must be wondering , Liam did ask us to stop ! But we did refuse to listen . So that's how the bed now resembled to Titanic's wreck .

Liam politely let Ellie use his room for that night . He proposed to share with Zayn . Real gentleman that Leeyum!

Eying me suspiciously , Louis mocked " i think , Their choice is already made " pointing to Harry then me.

WOW! Harry and I are gonna sleep in the same room? Forget sleep then . He can manage to keep me awake whole night long via a mere screen .

In my head I was jumping and screaming : YES ! I WANT TO ! I hoped that it was not too apparent on the outside . I was in high spirits. I just couldn't show it to the others .

I couldn't refuse that! It was too obvious . On the other hand I am probably being paranoid but what if something happens . You know Harry and I have a strong ... Thing .

Nope it's been quite some time since i know Harry and since our first kiss I had requested not to rush things up and he didn't . I owed him that at least .

Faith pinched my bum and i realised that they were still waiting for an answer.

" c'mon Heather , he'll just watch you sleep all night " she teased me , winking at Harry .

" Plus I'm here ," Zayn said tapping me on my back and pumping his chest .

" Yup Zayn can kill only by quoting "Niall fooled in making hysterical fan screams.

Lou joined in" Just don't wear too tight stuff " . Liam nodded in approval to the last comment . So I noted that to myself .

" Don't make such a face , they're joking . Harry is a real gentleman when it comes to you " Zayn comforted me.

Why weren't they asking for Harry's approval ? Feeling a bit more confident now ,I just looked at Harry questioningly , he walked in my direction and handed out his hand .

Looking me in the eyes he added:" Zayn is right , trust me ". His green eyes mesmerised me . I managed to nod approvingly . Finally relaxing , Harry smiled to me , our eyes still locked . That signature smile shattered my world . " c'mon " he said.

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