Chapter Fifty

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⚠️️There will be mature content...a little bit.

Naomi and Josiah were getting dressed to go to dinner at his father's house. After his near-death experience, he wanted to make amends with all his family members.

So that meant that Josiah's grandparents, uncles, aunts, and cousins will also be at the dinner.

"You seem to be in a daze," Naomi said to Josiah who was staring ahead of him. Something was bothering him and she could tell.

"My grandparents are what you call old school," he told her and she looked at him in confusion.

"Meaning?" she asks and he let out a sigh not knowing how to tell her.

"They like things the way it was before," he said hoping she would catch on to what he was saying.

"So they are racists?" she asks but it was less of a question than a statement.

"Something like that, they just think having a relationship with someone outside of your race is wrong," he tells her what they told him before.

"I am not going there to impress your grandparents or anyone for that matter. I am going because you asked me to join you" she clarified and he pulled her into a hug.

"I won't let them get out of line," he said pecking her lips.

"Ok" Naomi responded while getting her heels from her closet. She would not lie and said she wasn't thinking about changing her mind but Josiah needed her.

"Are you ready?" he asks and she nodded her head while spraying perfume on her body.

Josiah noticed her mood change and quickly walk behind her.

"We don't have to go," he said but she shook her head.

"You need to," she said snatching up her purse and they both walked towards the door.

Josiah could see her change of mood and he contemplated whether or not to still attend the dinner.

"Are you coming?"Naomi asked him and he followed behind her.

"Babe" he called after her and she stopped in her tracks.

"I got you," he said holding her from behind and she tried to hide her smile.

They both made their way to his car and started their journey to the Hutchinson family home.

Naomi let out a nervous sigh as they stared ahead at the house. The helpers stood outside opening the door for all the other family members who were coming.

MiMi, look at me" he said and she did so causing him to lick his lower lip.

"It's ok," he said pecking her lips before going to open the door. As soon as he closed it behind her Naomi clutched onto her purse.

They walked up the path and headed straight into the house. The people who were standing close to the entrance stopped to stare.

"Are you seeing what am seeing?" one for his cousins asked the other.

"Nana and Papa are going to explode," they said to themselves but everyone could hear the conversation.

Naomi gave Josiah an insure look but he only squeezed her hand lightly.

"Josiah" his father called him pulling him into a hug. He could feel someone staring at him and he looked up to see Phylis on the stairs.

"Hi sir" Naomi gave him a shy smile and he shocked her by pulling her into a hug. If it wasn't for her he could have been dead or anywhere else but here.

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