Chapter Thirty-Six

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"Hahaha," that was very funny Naomi laughed thinking they were joking. She was in denial about everything because she just couldn't accept this.

"What is so funny?" Najomi asked looking at her twin who was very identical to her.

"How are you so sure we are sisters? apparently, we have seven doppelgangers in the world so it is a mistake," Naomi said feeling her stomach twist.

She was nervous and staring at them only made it worse.

"You both have the same birthday," Josiah decided to speak and Naomi glared at him.

"It is a coincidence," she said shaking her head.

"Look," Caralyn said showing them the newspaper that had reported the news twenty-three years ago.

"This is not possible because I just visited my birth family a week ago. They are the ones listed on my birth certificate," Naomi said pacing the room.

"What about we finish this conversation over the dinner?" Caralyn said leading them into the dining room.

"Ok," everyone replied finally coming to an agreement.

Naomi took a seat next to Josiah who was avoiding contact with her.

"I am not mad at you," she said touching his shoulder and he finally made eye contact.

"Oh, I just thought-" he started but she interrupted him.

"Don't," she said and the food was placed in the middle of the table.

"We have our casserole and we also have mash potatoes, steak, and gravy," she said pointing at each dish.

"Does the casserole have mushrooms?" Naomi asked causing Christine and Najomi to stare at her.

"You are allergic to mushrooms too?" Najomi asked with excitement. She has been an only child for as long as she knew. When she was eleven her parents told her she had a twin sister but she was kidnapped.

"See just another coincidence," Naomi said having some of the mash potatoes, steak, and gravy instead.

"When is your birthday?" Najomi asked and Naomi ignored her.

"August 13," Josiah answered when he saw that Noami wouldn't.

"Me too," Najomi grinned.

They all ate in silence but the whole time Christine just stared at her daughter. She couldn't believe that after all those years she is in the same room as her.

When they all finished eating the dessert was brought out and they all had a slice of the chocolate cake.

"Why don't you believe?" Josiah asked Naomi.

"It just seems weird to me how I was apparently kidnapped but they never looked for me that's all," she said rolling her eyes.

"We did look for you but because you were only born a few hours it was hard to find you. We didn't even get the chance to take pictures," Christine said overhearing their conversation.

"This is my birth mother," Naomi said pulling out her phone and showing them the picture of Monica.

Christine gasp while zooming in on the picture to see the lady properly.

"That was the nurse that was in the room when I was giving birth," she said and all the room became quiet.

"W-what?" Naomi asked trying to stop the tears from falling.

"What did she tell you?" Christine asks her and Naomi looked down at her lap.

"She called me a burden before leaving me at an orphanage. I was never adopted so when I turned eighteen I had to leave but I had a small job which kept me on my feet until they fired me. Then I was homeless for a long time and then he saved me" She finished while pointing at Josiah.

"You were homeless?" Najomi asked as if not believing what she heard.

She grew up with everything a girl could ever ask for just to find out her other half was sleeping on the street.

"Yes but that was my past now am just looking forward to the future," she said staring ahead of her.

Naomi's phone started ringing and she saw that it was Monica.

"Wow so that means the whole family was in on it" she gasps looking at the screen wondering if she should answer.

"I can't deal with this right now," Naomi said standing up and walking outside.

She stood outside to get some fresh air. She couldn't stay inside for another minute scared she would go into a panic.

"Are you ok?" Najomi said closing the door behind her. She saw the look on Naomi's face and took slow steps towards her.

"I just wanted to be alone for a minute" she replied taking deep breaths.

"Oh," Najomi said about to leave but Naomi stopped her.

"No, don't leave," she said and she had no clue why she did that.

"ok," Najomi said standing beside her and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"This must be hard for you," she said and Naomi remained silent. She was making it harder than she thought she would.

"It's just the fact that I hated myself thinking it was my fault that they gave me up. Then I learn that they weren't my real family" she sighed taking a seat om the steps.

"You have us now," Najomi said pulling Naomi into a side hug.

"But it will never be the same," she said before standing up and entering the house leaving Najomi sitting there.

She walked over to Josiah and when he noticed her he stood up.

"Are you ready to leave?" he asked and she nodded her head.

"Thank you Caralyn," she said giving her a hug before walking outside.

Josiah followed Naomi outside after hugging his mom and bro hugging Caesar.

They sat in silence and the enthusiasm they had on the way there was long gone.

"Thank you," Naomi said out of the blue.

"For?" Josiah asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Everything" Nao whispered before her eyes became droopy.

Josiah looked at her as her head swayed to the side and he chuckled a little.

When he finally arrived at her apartment he lifted her up bridal style and walked inside after unlocking the door.

He took her to her room and placed her in the bed making sure he removed her shoe and sock.

He was about to leave when he felt her tug on his shirt.

"Please stay".

My school starts tomorrow and I am not prepared. So i am updating as much chapters before I am too busy.

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