Chapter Sixty

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"Thank you for everything," Jillian said when they all got off the private jet. They went on a trip to Bora Bora for her 20th birthday.

"I just want to go home," Blake said walking behind them sleepily.

It was midnight in LA and they took a late flight back. She wanted to enjoy her time so they extended their trip for an extra day.

"Baby, wake up," Josiah said to a half-sleeping Naomi. She fell asleep during the middle of their flight and she was still sleeping now.

"I am so tired," she said snuggling into his side. When he saw that she was not listening, he placed an arm around her body.

"I got this" Zion, Jillian's boyfriend said taking the suitcases from her. The brothers were not too fond of him at first but they got to know him during the trip.

As soon as they walked through the airport they were bombarded by the paparazzi.

Josiah held onto Noami as they made their way through the herd of cameras.

There were many questions thrown at them but they ignored them. They all went their separate ways and they saw Andy standing next to his car.

"Welcome back sir," he said to Josiah.

"Thank you, Andy," Josiah said opening the car for them. He helped Naomi in and as soon as he sat down her head went on his shoulder.

They started their journey home as he answered some business calls from different clients.

When they made it to Josiah's house he picked Naomi up and brought her to their room. She twist and turned on the bed while he was trying to remove her shoe.

They went to bed knowing they both had to work tomorrow.

The next morning Naomi woke up and took a shower and went downstairs to make breakfast. Rosa was still with her family and won't be back until the New Year.

"MiMi" she heard and she looked up to see Josiah standing there.

"Morning" she walked over to him giving him a quick peck.

"We leave in a few minutes," he said and she nodded while checking the time on her watch.

"Did Andy stay the night?" she asked him and he nodded. It was too late for him to go home and the safety of his employees was his priority.

"Naomi's phone started ringing and she checked to see her sister calling.

"Bianca Kinsley was Josiah's ex-girlfriend right?" was the first thing Najomi asked.

"Yes," Naomi said not getting why she was bringing her name up.

"Well her and that Sam girl has a warrant out for their arrest," she said and Naomi stopped in her track.

"Why?" she asked trying to take that in.

"They were involved in the kidnapping of Johnathan and Phylis started talking," she told her sister.

Naomi turned around to look at Josiah who was eating some of his saltfish fritters. This was something that she learned to make after she had it at her favorite Jamaican restaurant.

"What?" he asked when he saw her looking at her.

She held up one finger and he went back to eating his breakfast. He never had a fritter before and he was very happy she made it.

"The last we heard was they stole money from James" she responded to Najomi. They spoke some more before their call ended.

"Bianca and Sam are wanted by the police," she told Josiah who stopped midbite.

"Oh," he said not knowing what else to say.

"Are you not going to ask me why?" she said and he decided to go with it.

"Why?" he asks her.

"They were involved with your father's kidnapping," she said waiting to see his reaction.

"What?" he said and stopped eating altogether.

"Phylis started talking to the police" she replied to him while walking to stand between his legs.

"How are they even involved?" he asked the question that was bothering him.

"Sam was never around Phylis unless the times she was with James" he finally put everything together.

"Well they are not our problems anymore," she said hugging him.

They gathered their things and made their way to his car.

"I want to drive," Naomi said standing on the driver's side.

"Are you sure this is a really fast car?" he said to her and she nodded eagerly.

"Even better" she grinned and he became nervous.

"What about we drive a different car?" he asks but she childishly shook her head.

"Ok" he finally agreed and he opened the driver's door for her and made his way to his side.

She adjusted the seat and her mirrors and looked over to Josiah who was fastening his seatbelts and held on tightly.

"Don't be so dramatic" she teased putting the car in reverse. After she backed out she forgot to put it in drive causing them to jerk backward.

"oops," she laughed while putting it in drive.

"I change my mind" he saw unbuckling his seatbelt but after seeing this Naomi sped up the car causing him to jerk forward.

She speed through the open gates and made her way on the main road.

"Never again," Josiah said watching her merge into the traffic.

"I love this car" she shouted letting go of the wheel.

"Are you trying to kill us" he steadied the wheel when the car started to swerve.

"Sorry," she said before she started to pay attention to the road.

"This was a terrible idea. What was I thinking?" Josiah said feeling his heartbeat rapidly against his chest.

"I agree," she said to him because she was not good at controlling fast cars.

After twenty minutes she pulled up to the building and slammed on the break pushing both of them forward.

"Are you ok?" Josiah asked her and she nodded.

That was a terrible idea to drive that car.

"The question should be are you okay?" she asked him while he checked her body for anything.

"Yes. I think we can both agree from now on not to let you drive any of my fast cars" he said while helping her out of the seat.

"I agree 99.9" she laughed seeing his reaction.

"Why not the full hundred percent?" he asked her.

"I want to drive you Lamborghini next".

Just a filler Chapter but the next two will be  when things happen.

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