Chapter Four

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Naomi stared at herself in the full-body mirror that was placed in her room.

She was wearing a short pencil skirt along with a button-down shirt that was tucked into her skirt. Her hair was no longer tangled and unkept but was now bone straight.

Today was her first day of training to become Josiah's assistant and she was overwhelmed at the fact.

Over forty-eight hours, her life changed drastically and it was all thanks to a certain good samaritan.

A smile took over her face when she heard a knock on the door before it was pushed open.

Josiah was wearing a suit similar to the one he was wearing Wednesday.

"Are you ready for your first day?" Josiah asks as he stared at the outfit that she was wearing.


That is what he would use to describe how she was looking at this exact moment. Her face was makeup-free except for the mascara that she wore.

"As ready as will ever be," she said with a nervous laugh, and they both exit the room.

Naomi trailed behind Josiah as he made his way down the staircase.

She looked at the view through the large glass windows and it was breathtaking.

They made their way to the kitchen where Rosa and Andy were deep in a conversation.

"Goodmorning," they both said simultaneously to which the workers replied.

"I have made your breakfast and left it on the dining room table," Rosa said.

"Thank you" Naomi answered and they both left to eat their breakfast.

Once they finished, Naomi proceeded to take her medicines before having another glass of water.

"Let's go," Josiah said and Naomi followed behind him with her Louis Vitton purse that she received yesterday.

They entered an all-black BMW car where Andy was now waiting inside.

As soon as they got inside Naomi and Josiah started going through the basics of what she will need to know.

"So my main job is to set meeting dates and take notes?" she asks when they made it to the large building.

He opened the door and led both of them towards his private elevator where Margo was waiting.

"Good morning Mr. Maelburn," she said once she saw him enter.

"Good morning Margo, this is Naomi Campbell the one I spoke to you about," he said and they both greeted each other.

"Margo will take you to her office and start training you on what you need to know. At lunchtime, we will leave for a meeting and see if you are adapting" Josiah said before they parted ways.

Naomi and Margo both entered her office where there were a lot of papers and files sitting on the desk.

"Okay, so each all these papers belong in a file for different departments. You will first need to separate them into their right department and then organize them in alphabetical order" Margo said and Noami listened attentively.

Margo left the room and Naomi got to work. It was very difficult to find what papers belonged to which without reading over. There was no label involved so she had to go through all the papers before adding them to a stack.

Josiah sat at his desk watching the cameras, looking at what Naomi was doing and how she would make an adorable face when she was confused.

It was very creepy but he could not help himself from staring at her.

She was naturally beautiful and she did not need any makeup to make her look better. She was in a league of her own and he found himself crushing on the girl he met a day ago.

He was interrupted by his cellphone ringing and once he saw the name he quickly declined the call.

His father reached out to him at very random times but the hatred he held for him would not allow him to even speak with him.

His cellphone began to ring again and this time he decided to answer.

"Hello?" he answered and he could hear his father speaking to someone on the other side.

"Son?" his father asked as if shocked by him answering.

"Yes this is Josiah" he replied.

"How's it going?" Johnathan asks his son trying to make conversation.

"Quit to the chase and say the real reason you called me" he interrupted his father before he could start making excuses.

"We are having a family dinner this Saturday and I want you to be there," Johnathan said hoping he would agree. But knowing his son it would take a lot of persuasion for him to go.

"Okay," Josiah said which came as a shock to Johnathan. Over the years he begged him to join them for a family dinner and Josiah never turned up.

"Okay? Wait what?" Johnathan asked.

"I will join you on Saturday" Josiah answered before rudely hanging up the phone.

After the call with his father, Josiah checked the time and noticed it is almost time for a meeting.

Margo came in and placed all the files he needed on his desk before making him another cup of coffee.

Josiah made his way to the boardroom where everyone was waiting for him.

"The files that I agreed with I signed the agreement deal but there are a few adjustments that need to be done for me to sign" Josiah started.

The head of the departments sat and listened to what their boss was saying.

"The food department, for example, Mrs. Murray, your department has declined and I have had many reports od bad customer service in the hotel you are in charge of. If you need to fire and rehire people then go ahead but we need better reviews" he said and Mrs. Murray nodded.

They listened as he made his points before the meeting was reschedule to next week.

"Mr. Maelburn" someone shouted his name as he was making his way towards his office.

"Yes," he said staring at them waiting for him to speak.

"Your brother Blake is waiting for you inside your office" the employee, Josh said.

"I'll handle it," he said before making his way inside his office.

"Brother," Blake said with a grin.

"What is it now?" he asks taking a seat in his chair.

"I heard you agreed to come to dinner this weekend. You do know that James will be there, right?" Blake asked with a teasing smile.

"He will," Josiah said with a shrug of his shoulders. The last time James and Josiah were in the same room was when he caught him with Bianca.

"Don't worry my dear brother I will have your back in case a fight breaks out" Blake says with a laugh.

Blake was the only sibling that Josiah did not dislike.

"I think he's bringing a date".

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