Chapter Twenty-Three

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Naomi called Sam for the seventh time since she arrived home. When she did not pick up she started to become worried and decided to pay her a visit.

She knocked on the door of her apartment and Sam opened it wearing a robe.

"Hi," she said when she saw Naomi. She tried to be happy but she could no longer fake it.

"Hey I was calling and you did not pick up the phone and I got worried," Naomi said entering the apartment catching her off guard.

"Yea, my phone died and I forgot to plug it up before going to sleep" Sam lied.

"Oh," Naomi answered taking a look around.

"Do you have plans today?" she asked Sam.

"Yes, I have this thing with a guy I have been seeing," Sam said telling a half-truth.

"Oh, who is it?" Naomi asked thinking Sam would want to confide in her.

"He is just this random guy I met. I don't know how serious things are but if it happens you will be the first know" Sam said taking a seat on the couch.

It was almost time for her to get ready so she needed Naomi to leave.

"Well I will just go and get ready," Sam said standing up.

"Do you want me to wait until you are finished?" Naomi asks staring at Sam.

Sam was now becoming agitated and feared that she would snap on her.

"Oh no you don't have to it might take a while" she replied to Naomi who only nodded.

"It was nice seeing you," Naomi said before heading towards the door once they finished hugging.

Sam watched as Naomi left before letting out a sigh of relief. She liked Naomi since the first day but after the interactions she had with Josiah, Sam felt she was taking him from her.

You need to be here in 15 minutes- Unknown

She decided not to save his number in case anything would lead back to them.

She quickly placed on the dress that he chose for her and the heels. She also brought an extra pair of tennis shoes so everything could be easier.

Once she was finished she made her way to her car which was a simple 2016 Honda Accord.

The ride to the meeting place was a short one due to the apartment complex she was staying at.

That was one of the other things that bothered her. Naomi stayed in a lavish apartment while she stayed in a building without an elevator.

As soon as she arrived at the diner, she saw them waiting for her.

"Let's get this over with," he said and they all traveled in one car.

They arrived at the building that both lawyers worked at.

"I have a meeting with Mr. Murphy," he said and the guard nodded.

He made his way to Mr. Murphy's office, where he introduced them as his wife and advisors.

"Mr. Hutchinson," Mr. Murphy said shaking hands with him. "What brings you here today?"

"I just needed some files for the business that we were talking about," he said.

"Excuse me I need to use the restroom" Sam interrupted as planned.

"Go straight down the hall, make a right and then a left and the bathroom will be on the right side of the hallway" Mr. Murphy replied.

"Do you mind showing me the way because I am not that good at directions?" she said and he nodded. Everything was now falling into place and all they needed to do was distract him.

"How long have you been working here?" she asked him trying to make conversation.

"Almost ten years" he responded and as soon as they made a right all the lights went out. The cameras were no longer recording.

"What was that?" Sam asked in a fake frightening voice.

"It seems we have a power outage".

"I really need to use the bathroom," Sam said and she sneaked off.

"I'll wait right outside for you".

The footsteps of the guards could be heard as they ran around the building looking for the cause.

In the meantime, Hutchinson and his companion sneaked off into the office where Josiah's lawyer worked. To their advantage, he was no longer inside the office which made things easier.

His computer was left open so he placed some glove on and started looking for the files.

When he found it he inserted a flash drive into the USB port and downloaded all the files.

"He said we have one minute," she told him, and as soon as she said that the computer showed one hundred percent.

They fixed everything like it was before and made their way back to Mr. Murphy''s office.

As soon as they sat down in their positions all the lights came back on and the cameras started recording.

"That was a success" he whispered to her with a smirk.

"Thank you so much for waiting" they could hear Sam saying before entering the room. She gave them a look and they both gave a small nod.

"Now where were we?" an unsuspecting Mr. Murphy asked.

"Oh we were talking about the files for my new business," he told him and Mr. Murphy handed him some papers.

"It is always great doing business with you," Mr. Hutchinson said shaking his hand.

"You too" Murphy replied and they parted ways.

As soon as they got into the car they all started laughing.

"That was easier than expected," Sam said.

A phone went off and they all checked to see if it was theirs.

"It's Josiah".

"What does he want?" he asks with an agitated look.

If only they had just done the right thing from the start none of this would be happening.

"What does he want?" Sam asked her.

"Oh, shit," she said dropping her phone.

Sam and Mr. Hutchinson both stared at her before she slowly picked up her phone to look at it again.

"This cannot be happening" she groaned slamming her phone onto her seat.

"It would be nice to know what you are talking about," Sam said with an attitude.

"He wants to go to the next appointment"

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