P: Drifter

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The thoughts that drift and dance among

In the darkness they lunge

To threaten the mind awake, to laugh

Drift. Drift. How long will you last?

Around the room,

The spirits scowl

And laugh

And dance in the moonlight

But awake yet has the drifter snapped to

Aggravated they begin to curse

“Rise drifter!” They scream and shout

“Arise drifter! Drift no more!” Another calls out.

Alas, the drifter shrugs awake

Around him are demons, with mouths agape.

He shrugs and yawn,

To the bathroom he goes

And then back he is,

The demons still stunned

Into the bed

He curls up in his sheets

Again, the drifter drifts off into sleep.


I wish sleeping was as easy as writing my poems and storys. Like Oh! I need to sleep. Knocks out. Wakes up the next morning. ^^' 

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