Another Entry!

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Exposing myself to other writing websites isn't what I feel comfortable with. However, I believe that as much as I want to be only on Wattpad because of my security I have to Venture out and wander. Today I sent in "The Last Day" into a competition. I don't know how it'll go but we'll see.

Free entries here and there. I'm planning on entering at least one free compition every day. I have to. Eventually I'll get a response. I'm not in for the money. I'm in for the recognition. If I manage to get published then I'll record it. Otherwise. My main focus is to 'do' what I've been wanting this whole time. Now that I'm eighteen I have no restrictions. Let's get this done.

I've been published for years. Professonally? That's another story. However, it doesn't hurt to try. Actually. I'll never get anywhere until I take risk. I joined today. They have different types of competitions and getting involved. For as far as I know they have rescourse and that's all I need.


If I've learned anything from researching free competitions it's that I can't be in every free competition. It lowers down the stress is how I put it. Right now, I'm looking at their poetry competition.


Since Tallenge doesn't care that I post my work other places I'll show you what I entered into the compition. See, I'll be doing this one more often. I may or may not make their own book that way I can keep the work I send them organized. I'll see how many parts I get to this and then I'll act accordingly.

Also, since I posted this after the compition it proves that it is unique? I'd believe so. I didn't copy it from anywhere and it is my work.

Tallent - Entry One



A burden



Yet catastrophic


In place


Under pressure

The stress it soothes

Upon according

To help, the mood

Music plays

The voice, it finds

The flow, it binds

Together to unwind

To solve the problem

To settle the emotions

To satisfy

Not wasted

But cherished

To create

What must

A passion from the heart



May 10, 2014

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