Author's Note Two

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Hello All,

At the beginning of the previous section I posted eight story drafts and seven poems. The following section will consist of 15 poems of Pursuing Admiration. Then, the next section will consist of the six remaining pot from Pursuing Admiration and nine of something else (probably poems).

I want to share with you all an experience I had today! For starters, if you're reading this journal I want you to know that who I am today is different from the person who wrote the first half of this book. This journal is meant to help myself improve as a writer and I hope to continue to improve the more I write.

The person who began this journal was eighteen (maybe even seventeen depending on when the journal started). Today, I am twenty-three. I did not imagine that I would find myself in the Philippines five years from eighteen.

What I do know is that I wanted to be many things at that time. When the announcer read my 'plans after graduation' he said, "He wants to become an actor, author, musician, photographer, and blogger." Those may have not been the exact words. But I do know that I wanted to be involved in the arts.

Today, I can say that I do have a blog (but I haven't touched it lately because I've been busy with school). It is about traveling and my cultural experience. What I didn't realize about the blog is that it can work both ways. What I mean is, I can post about my daily routine in the Philippines and my friends back home in Texas can read about it and learn something. Whereas, when I go back to Texas, I can blog my weekly cultural experience and the Filipinos would learn something about culture.

The experience I want to share with you all is that I ran into some African-Americans and an Australian on Friday. I politely asked the white tall person where they were from because I couldn't place his accent. He was very happy that I didn't assume he was 'American' which I thought was ironic because I am American.

I told him that I couldn't quite place his accent. I didn't recognize it as 'American' or 'European' and he smiled at the comment then asked me where I was from. "You don't quite sound like you're from here yourself!" He laughed.

"It's because I'm from Texas." I smiled and the black person next to him replied, "Ayyyy!" and present to hold up his hand for a high-five. I couldn't help but laugh but I was confused at the gesture. "What exactly...?" I asked and he grinned, "We're from Texas! That's why!" He explained.

It was nice to hear from someone who understood my life as a Texan. I have run into people who understand the American life but not everyone understand the 'Texan' lifestyle. He then told me that he was from Houston and I told him that I was from West Texas. He didn't want to be rude but I could tell he didn't know where I that was. "There's nothing there, trust me." I laughed when I clarified that I was from San Angelo, Texas.

In truth, San Angelo has a lot of art to offer. It had a military base of all four branches and a good university. Between those and the arts, the city is culture based and even though it's still working on improving, I'm glad to say that I'm from there. However, it's not a place to thrive. Not for someone my age. The place is mainly for retired military and I'm not of the age of retirement.

After that, I converted to their English and it was nice to talk to people who understood me on a cultural, social, and mental manner. Today, I asked if they were busy for lunch so that I could eat with them for lunch. In truth, I should go eat here in thirty minutes but I still need to do my research paper which is the whole point of me being at the computer shop in the first place.

When I had first run into the two African-Americans I asked if I could stay in touch. They claim to be Jehovah's Witnesses. I was really happy to find that they were open to my neutral intake on religion and why I am open to the different types of religion and their stories. They were happy to hear that I'm not against God. I'm not with God either, but I'm not against him and that's all they cared about.

Telling people in this country that I'm neutral to religion automatically makes them think that I'm Antichrist. I'm so happy that I was able to present my stand on religion to them and not get scolded. They didn't treat me any different because of my difference of opinion.

What I would like is to learn about how they perceive the bible and their stories. What I didn't say is that I'm not planning to convert to their religion. After all, religion isn't exactly a steady ground. I have been exposed to so many people who allow their ignorance to blind them and it was nice to be around people who were open to difference in opinion.

I'm not a religion person, but I do know that if something is supposed to happen, then it will. Due to that reasoning, I thanked them for meeting with me. Even though I'm leaving in June, I'm still willing to meet with them. These people might be the people I need for the emotional support that I haven't been allowed to open up with when it comes to other Filipinos.

Part of me feels selfish thinking about it. I found these people and now I want them to hold my emotional baggage? I won't enforce it on them, but my suicidal thoughts have become an issue (despite the medication). The son and I have talked about the subject but not in terms of ourselves so I'm hoping to bring it up eventually. At least, before I go home at the end of June.

Thank you for listening!


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