Countered Reputations Letters: Introduction

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Below is the introduction to my work 'Countered Reputations Letters'. This is based off a story that I was writing at the time that I have yet to finish. I am glad that I have yet to publish. If some of my readers are interested in reading the prologue I'd be willing to email it to them. PM if you'd like or, if enough people want to read the actual content, I'll see about putting it up on Wattpad once again.


These are letters from the characters that I've created. They are here to help me step into another person point of view and get them to review my problem or my situation. This book will be similar to the Venture series. My plan is to get my characters to speak to me in a way that I normally wouldn't think. When I write in Countered Reputations I think of different mind sets for each character which is why I made this. It's like asking someone for advice but in a way you're asking yourself for advice except you're being a different character. So basically, I'm talking to myself in this book. I hope you enjoy. This book also lets you know more background about the characters in Countered Reputations. It's not a requirement for the series. I'm creating it to help me just like the Venture series.

I received this idea from the Museum of National History. I specially got The idea from Theodore Roosevelt. The guy by far is one of the many thousand of people who have inspired me. I read his timeline in the exhibit and saw that he published many works. I knew that but I don't know exactly what those things were. I read that he wrote a lot of letters which gave me the idea of writing letters. I've already done this but I always burned those of threw them away right away which gave me different idea. If I could write a letter who would it be to? I gave this some thought. I could write letters to my friends. I already have. But. They never see them so who would I write a letter to that would read it? Well of course. Any of my friends would read the letters that I would send to them but who am I willing to give the letter to is the better question? So, that night while we were heading back to the airport from out New York band trip I wrote a letter. This was on my Ipad of course because I didn't have paper nor did I have light. I ended up writing it in Sinoak's point of view. I wrote how she felt about the situation we shared as if she was a real person and to me, she is a real person so in saying that, I haven't read it yet. Technically speaking. It's sitting in my notes ready to be displayed and read. I wasn't planning on answering any of these. I'll write my heart out in response like I always do. Each character makes me become them in the moment when I write these so I'm hoping that this will do the same for me as the Venture Series that I wrote and still am writing. I'm really big on writing to myself to figure out myself because I can figure out other people but even if I say something I can't change it but with myself? I can change myself. I can observe myself. I'm an experiment is how I see it. I'm my own experiment and I don't mind. Writing is my passion and helping find myself is just another adventure that I create. In the same way that I create an adventure for each my characters. I'm my own character is how I feel. If I can write out someone else's life and how they feel then I can write out my own life and how I feel.

May 17th, 2013


July 6th, 2019: The fact that I was still writing the Venture series (my very first journal/poetry collection series) is impressive. Countered Reputations is an old story that I have yet to perfect. I'm looking forward to reading these letters with all of you. There are thirteen parts and each section in this journal consist of fifteen parts. Usually, I edit and repost my smaller works into this book then fill the rest of the parts with poems but I think I'll do this one different. I can write a comparison to the book that I've written currently and comment on any situation that I speak of in these letters. I hope my readers enjoy this. Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 

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