Depression? from Sinoak Katotohanak

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From: Sinoak Katotohanak

To: DanielJ

Depression is a condition. It's not easily grown out of. For the past couple of days you've been super ecstatic and it'll only get better so accept the happiness. I know it's not normal and it's overwhelming but it's okay. You see, when James asked me out I was really happy. Now we've been going out for almost two years. I'm so happy to be with him even though we're practically opposites. James has missed every other week of school. It bothers me but that's okay... I want to tell him that it bothers me. I don't dare to open my mouth though because I know that he has lost some family members but I'm starting to question some of the weeks that he's been out. I noticed one thing. He comes back after the week and he acts like he's tries to forget the week before. I don't mind helping him be happy but I just want to know what happens in those weeks. He doesn't like to share. That's one thing to watch out for in your relationship. Make sure you two communicate. Because... I feel like James is getting farther and farther way from me.

The last week he has been out he said that his cousin died. When he told me I was writing a letter to him about this. Obviously, I threw it away because I knew I wouldn't ever give it to him and well.... The timing wasn't good.

Back to the depression thing. It's okay to be sad but it's just as okay to be happy. You know? I'm unhappy most of the time but I try to make the best of it so you should too!

March 24, 2013


July 9, 2019

It saddens me reading this and thinking of Lilly.

Fun Fact: The original story centered around my relationship with Lilly and this idea of wanting a different relationship at the time. Naomi found out about this book through Jenny L. She got mad and mentioned it in class and said, "Naomi, you know DJ has a book written about you, right?"

Without hesitation she turned around to face Jenny L and said, "Yea." With a straight face. "Why? You jealous?"

Jenny L then threw her hands up and looked at me and said, "I don't see why you write about her but not me, that's not fair. I want to be a main character in one of your stories!"

Later, as we were leaving for class, I ran up to Naomi and was like, "Naomi... I- You knew?"

At first, her expression was confusion, "What are you talking about, DJ?"

"The book..." I muttered. "I... I told you about it?"

Then she started laughing, "No." She said and this weight in my chest suddenly was lifted. "I..I'm so sorry I was going to tell you eventually..." I replied and she gestured that her class was left while I had to go straight.

"Right..." I remember myself saying but I couldn't shake that smile she gave me when this conversation went down.


Fun Fact: In the original, James (Lilly's character) played and important role but in the current one I haven't even mentioned her character since I'm focusing on Nebula and Neil. After I get those two in place I'll think about adding Lilly's character back in. The original was partly a romance and the current focuses more on platonic friendship. I haven't written a relationship in there yet and I don't think I will because I don't want this book to be a romance. 

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