Day Twenty Five: On A Whim

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Today I'll be taking to my online trip of poetry entering. I've come to find that most of my poetry is longer than five pages in publishing format. So, I'll probably go with one that I wrote today and take note that I sent it out today.

Right now I'm on the website The contest is free. The one I'm about to enter (or may not we'll see after the rules and regulations) is the New Written Poetry Contest. Its deadline is May 1st, 2013... Okay hold on. Lol. After I read it I was like. WOW what?

Okay, so I'm looking through right now. Obviously I can't get on this one because of the due date. But it was the first one that I saw on the results. They have a Facebook so I'm going to like them on Facebook and try to get through to them that way. I hardly ever use my Facebook. I mainly got it for family. I may make another one to talk to all my fans and friends on here that way it doesn't get mixed up with my family and friends at home.

On their Facebook is said that MoonTownCafe is a free community of poets, writers, and publishers. Their free forums and blogs are great for writers who want to read, write and review. They have a link to their latest post. I keep look at this "Get published now! Stop Stalling and Just do it!" Link. It's interesting. I may check it out. I don't have a book anymore because I screwed it up and reset it but I might as well keep looking. After all, I do want to publish.

It says that it is a great book publishing deal and that I can get on the fast track to success. If I sign up for a free service today and get access to free publishing tools, resources, and a growing online community or authors. The link is:

Figures. It lead me to Create space. Now let me tell you. I already made an account on here and it didn't turn out they way I wanted. I'll figure out my password and give you guys update on that. My sister uses it but all I see are packages of money that I don't have. Like I said. I'll give more information later.

I need to go pick up one of my friends from work now. I may continue this when I get back but this is annoying. I wish it was easy. That's why I want to make a publishing company of my own. Not only that but it seems interesting to have a magazine of my own too. We'll see how everything works out.

If I don't get back on it's good bye for now. Thanks for reading guys. I should just make this a blog instead lol.


January 20, 2014

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