Just To You From Sinoak Katotohanak

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From: Sinoak Katotohank

To: DanielJ

Whoa. That's amazing. You're going out with someone? I just found out. Haha Alisiana Jae told me all about it. She said that there was nothing between me and her, she just wanted to tell me that you finally asked the girl you wanted to go out with to go out with you. I was laughing because I thought it was funny cute. Do you know what I mean? Oh yea you're a guy you wouldn't know. I can imagine you rolling your eyes right when you get to this part on the letter haha. (Don't tell Alisiana Jae but she said she got tired of writing letters to you about having determination so she told me to write you a letter instead.

I'm really happy for you! Just don't forget about us okay? I know that you can't because we're like you're life but just in case... You know.. Haha. I don't like being forgotten.

I have to have a subject in this letter so let me think. Oh yea! You're not pathetic! I know I said that in the last letter but if you ever took offense to it I was speaking for your conscious and I know I would have misinterpreted that. I want to tell you that you're worth it. You have a girlfriend now right? That proves something. I don't know how that relationship will go or how it'll affect my life because I'm going out with the guy version of your first girlfriend. Haha. I find that really weird now that I'm writing this. I wonder what James would say about this or that girl even. What was her name again? Oh yea! I read your Venture series book. It's easier for me to read poems and short stories rather than a chapter book that I kind of don't want to know the outcome to. I'll let you end that and continue writing. But anyway! Her names Lilly isn't it? Yea! I wish I could meet her some day. She would be really cool to know since you talk about her so much. Or enough to where she gains my interest Haha. I also makes me wonder... How are James and Lilly alike? When I have time to write the rest of this to you I will but right now I'm switching classrooms so I'll write you another later. Be strong Daniel!

March 24th, 2013


June 9th, 2019

Oof. Is this when I went out with Jenny L? That's not good. I wrote that my character was all excite but I that makes me cringe.

Fun Fact: In the original, I gave Sinoak a personality disorder which would later become three separate people but they were the same person. What I mean is, her demon side, second realm persona, and first realm persona were separate people but hadn't learned to interact with each other. This caused the three realms to be unbalanced and in order to balance the world.

I'm not sure how I'm going to work out the detail in my current version but the first book that I'm going to write focuses more on Neil Bloodbourne's life and how Nebula plays that role. Sinoako's role in the book is important as a constant changing factor. When I originally wrote the book I realize that there was too much happening so in the current version I decided to focus on one realm at a time but the book that will proceed it will happen at the same time but in a different location and focus on different characters.  

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