Trust from Sinoak

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From Sinoak

To: DJ

I was afraid once. I was afraid of myself. I was afraid of power. I was afraid that I couldn't control it. I was afraid. I was afraid because every time I had a scene I would be knocked out because of my overwhelming power. I was afraid because I wouldn't know who I would hurt next. I wanted control. I was happy that you put the restriction on me. At the same time though, I was a bit upset when it put me in pain. But hey.... No pain no gain right?

You're afraid of yourself. You're afraid of the possibility, the reward, the regret, and the impossibility. I understand. You're afraid of...hold on. Wait for it- that's right. You're afraid of yourself.... Just as I am.

It's okay. I understand. We have the same insecurity. You may not have a random overpower of magic control you but you still have something that controls you that's within you. I get it. On the inside you have a conscious that's equivalent to my overbearing power. It's a conscious that says you're not worth it. It tells you all these things you--have to admit-- want to hear. I want to hear them. Deep down on the inside I know they're true. Right? You know I am.

Remember? I said I WAS afraid? Well, that's because I know you'll take care of it. See, I trust you. I trust that my fate is what it was meant to be by you. So, hear me out..! Trust yourself. Because, I trust you. I trust myself.

March 17th, 2013


July 6th, 2019: Ironic. I spoke this message to someone and yet here I am tasting my own medicine.

Fun Fact: Sinoak Katotohanak's name is now Sinoako Si Katotohanak. In Filipino the question would be Sino ako ba? (Who am I?) Si Katotohanan (I am truth). I suppose I should change her name to be more accurate but I'll need to ask my friend to ensure that I'm correct.

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