Day One: Searching

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  Every kid has a dream but only those who know what they can do set goals. Dreams are not achievable. Goals are achievements waiting to be achieved.

A while back there was a magazine that I came across called "Poets&Writers Magazine." In the back were a list of contest I could enter. Excited, I gawked over the prize money but more than anything I wanted the publication.

Money is a pawn in society. Who uses it and how it's used makes it the angel or demon it is. I was raised to the point where I knew I had to have money but I didn't like it. That is why I do not write for anyone but myself. I asked myself: Why would I write something that I wouldn't read or like? Simple. I wouldn't.

If other people read my work and like it then they like it. Whether they promote it is up to them. I'm not offended if they don't spread the joy with anyone else. If a person doesn't like my work and they say something I listen. I see what I can do to fix it but if my work of art is something that doesn't appeal to them then it's not meant for that person. I'll listen to critique but overall I don't care. If it's critique for improvement then I will do something but if it's not then I'll nod and tell you that I'm sorry that you feel that way and I thank you for sharing but I could care less.

It's an attitude that I've heard other people say is a bad one. However, when I read my work it has to pass my test first. Do I like it? Yes. Does it make sense tomorrow? Well, when I read it then next day or a week later I hope the answer is yes. Look at it from your opposite's point of view. Would they not like it? If yes, go on continue. If no, why do they like it and are you sure you like it?

For the longest time I was friends with someone who disagreed with my but discussed with me and proved me wrong, themselves wrong, or we would find a neutral ground but because of that exposure I was able to learn how they thought and I've used that to my advantage. When I think in their perspective I think why do I like it? Why wouldn't someone like it?

Publishing is a push in my eyes. It would make me happy to know that I had something to my name other than an online status of published. Due to the fact that I'm 17 laws abiding is a struggle. For starters, I'll tell you about my alias.

At first, I was in a panic. If I publish something now then how will I prove that I am the alias that I am? Simple friends and teachers that can prove it for me, I have online works, I've used this alias for the past four years. No one else exist with the name that I've created.

There's more I will tell you tomorrow. It's getting late. I'll cover these things:




-Surprise of actions

-12pt double spaced. Font name.


Dec 26 2013

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