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Tense Atmosphere



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Monty and Aurelia quietly wandered through the woods, Monty armed with his rifle and Aura with her handgun.

"I thought you said you were heading west?" Monty talked into the walkie. "Where are you?"

Bellamy's voice crackled through the walkie. "Keep the moon on your left and you'll find us."

Aura whipped her head around when she heard the sound of rustling leaves in the distance. She held her breath as she stalked forwards, gun raised in case of an ambush. As she approached the source of the noise, she let out the breath she was holding, realising it was merely the wind playing tricks on her.

"God dammit." She muttered. "It's just the branches." When she didn't get a response, she turned around, realising she was alone. "Monty." She hissed, praying to get a response, but to no avail. Worriedly she retraced her steps to where she last saw him, but the boy was still nowhere to be found.

Her ears perked when she heard the unmistakable crackle of the walkie and the sound of Bellamy's concerned voice. "Monty? Aura? Are you there?"

Aura rushed forward to find the radio on the floor. She grasped the walkie with her shaking hands as her eyes darted around. "Bellamy?"

"What happened, why weren't you responding."

"I.. Monty.. I don't know.." She trailed off as she started to panic."It's my fault. I-"

"Bambi calm down. What happened?"

"I don't know what happened!" She let out a few breaths trying to calm down but failed. "I looked away for two seconds and he's gone!"

"I'm sure we'll find him-"

"What if something bad happened Bell? It's my fault. I should have made sure he was right behind me!"

Aurelia let out a muffled scream when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She whipped around and punched them in the nose before realising who it was. "Oh my God Bell I'm so sorry!" she frantically apologised as he clutched his nose.

He waved it off like it was nothing, although his face said otherwise. "Come on, let's go back to camp." Aura stared at him.

"What about Monty?"

"He might be making his way back to camp right now. Besides, it's too dark and too dangerous to stay out here anyway. Raven just radioed. They found Myles, but he said that grounders took Clarke and Finn." He saw the hesitation on her face, her eyes still darting around the forest to find any sign of the lost boy.

She finally nodded at him. "Okay." The two started walking back towards camp, walking as close together as they possibly can, fearing the other may disappear in mid air.


A gunshot goes off, scaring Aura who was standing only metres away from the firing gun.
Bellamy strides over, extreme anger painted on his features.

"Hey! What the hell is the matter with you?!" he yelled at Sterling, the poor boy who had fired the rifle.

Sterling sat up straight, fumbling with the weapon in his hand. "I'm sorry man I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day."

Bellamy lunges forward, grabbing the boy's jacket with both hands and aggressively shakes him. " We've all been on watch all day!" He thundered. "That bullet was one less dead grounder."

"Bell you're scaring people." Octavia spoke up, while Aura moved closer to Bellamy, placing her hand on his chest to lightly push him off Sterling.

"They should be scared!" He shouted, whirling around to address everyone. "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare, but time is up. The grounders are out there right now! Waiting for us to leave and picking us off one by one when we do. Clarke, Finn and Monty are gone, probably dead. And if you wanna be next, I can't stop you. But no guns are leaving this camp! This camp is the only thing keeping us alive." He paused for a moment, taking in deep breaths, while everyone else stared at each with fear in their eyes. "Get back to work!" Everyone scrambled to get back to their individual tasks, not wanting to get on Bellamy's bad side.

Aurelia turned towards Sterling and gave him a soft smile. "I'll take over for you, kid." He gave her a thankful smile and walked off, while Aura dropped the smile on her face and sat down, the guilt of losing Monty still weighing down her heart.


Aurelia let out several yawns, not having slept properly for several days. She looked up to find Bellamy walking over to her direction, but he didn't seem to register she was there.

"Penny for your thoughts?" He looked at her, snapping out of his thoughts.

"I'm just hanging on by a thread." He grabbed a metal cup and filled it with water. "I'm trying my best to keep everyone here alive, but everyone keeps looking at me like the enemy."

"I know that you're trying Bell." She gave him a sympathetic look. "But you could also be a bit nicer."

"Nicer? We're in the middle of a war, there's no time for nice."

"There's also no need to manhandle anyone. You can be a good leader without installing fear into everyone's heart. They're not soldiers, they're just kids."

He sighed but didn't respond. The walkie in his hand started to crackle. "You know what will happen if you tell Bellamy."

Aurelia stood up straighter making eye contact with Bellamy, who looked just as confused. "Tell Bellamy what?" After a few moments, it crackled again, this time Jasper's voice came through.

"Murphy has a gun he killed Myl-" a thump sounded before it cut off.

"Murphy what the hell are you doing." Bellamy questioned, hurrying towards the dropship with Aurelia hot on his heels. The dropship started whirring as the ramp started to close, and the duo broke into a sprint towards it. "Murphy! Murphy open the damn door!"

"If you try to be a hero, Jasper dies!" The boy yelled back, his voice muffled by the thick door.

The McKinley girl started pacing back and forth, terrified at the prospect of losing Jasper as well. "I'm gonna kill that jackass. I swear to god I'm gonna bash his hollow head in."


It's just not a good day for them is it.

Word Count: 1035

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