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Doctor Doctor



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The first thing Aurelia saw when she opened her eyes was the metal roof of the dropship. She propped her head up and saw Clarke and Octavia sat beside Jasper, who was letting out small groans. She tried to sit up and winced, momentarily forgetting about her battle wound. Her movement alerted the two other girls that she'd woken up, and Octavia rushed over with a grin on her face. "Well hey there princess, how are you feeling?"

Aurelia let out an unattractive snort. "Like I've been shot." she replied with a small shrug, careful to not cause more pain. She lifted the sleeve of her shirt and saw that the bandages had been changed. "How did I get here?" she asked, while watching Octavia walk around trying to find water for the injured girl to drink.

Octavia tried to hide her smirk. "My brother carried you all the way back like a knight in shining armour."

Aura stood up slowly, not knowing if her legs would fully support her. "Well that's awkward." After realising her legs were fine, she started walking towards the ladder, awkwardly trying to avoid eye contact with the girl. "I'm gonna... I'm gonna just get something to eat." Without waiting for a response, she hurried down the ladder and out of the dropship. She walked towards the fire, intending to take her portion of food when Murphy came out of nowhere and grabbed onto her right arm, causing her to cry out in pain.

"Ah ah ah sweetheart, if you want your share, you need to remove your wristband, just like everyone else."

She scoffed at him. "Who died and made you queen? You don't scare me Murphy, you're just a little bitch." This only provoked him into twisting her arm, and grinned like a sociopath when she let out another cry of pain.

"That's enough Murphy, let her go." Bellamy ordered, walking up to the pair. Murphy hesitated, but eventually let go of her arm and walked away, throwing one last dirty glare before he did so. "Are you okay? he asked, while gazing at her bandages.

"Is that concern that I sense Bellamy Blake?" Aurelia asked in a teasing tone, failing to fight the small small on her face. He simply rolled his eyes at her.

"I'm still gonna have to take that wristband off you though."

Aurelia shrugged. "I couldn't care less about the wristband, I only refused because it was Murphy and I massively dislike the guy."

"Well, you're more annoying than I give you credit for that's for sure." Bellamy picked up a knife from the floor and started dismantling the metal cuff, being careful not to injure the girl. The cuff made a click noise, indicating it had been dismantled, and he pulled it off her. "So.." he started. "any particular reason why you didn't care about the stupid band?"

The small smile which was on Aurelia's face dropped slightly. "Well it's not like there's anyone left on the ark who cares whether I live or die, so I guess it doesn't really affect me." She paused for a few moments. "Both my parents are dead, my mother had medical problems and my father got floated for trying to get medical supplies for her." Before Bellamy could find a way to comfort the girl, she grabbed her dinner and walked away. The girl had never told anyone anything personal before, and mentally scolded herself for oversharing.

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