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“Great,” Aurelia muttered as she stepped into the small elevator with Bellamy and Murphy. “If I fall to my death in the elevator I’m gonna come back to haunt you all.”

“You’re assuming we live past the next few hours,” Nate responded with a slight laugh.

“You coming, O?” Bellamy questioned as he turned to face the younger Blake.

“If anything goes wrong down here, they’ll need my help. We got this.” Without wasting another moment, the girl pushed the doors of the elevator to a close.

“You get that we’re screwed, right?” Murphy questioned. “ALIE already knows that we’re coming.”

“Thank you for enlightening us Murphy,” Aurelia responded as she turned to face the boy. “I hadn’t noticed the predicament we’re stuck in.”

“Happy to help,” the boy responded with a sarcastic smile.

“This plan will work,” Bellamy stated with confidence as he set his eyes on the other boy. “Why are you here?”

“I’m just trying to survive. You’re not the only one here who’d do anything to save the one you care about.” 

A small smile played on Aurelia’s lips as her eyes briefly connected with Bellamy’s, his gaze softening as he glanced at her. The elevator shifted suddenly, causing the trio to stumble in surprise as they held onto each other.

“Well that’s not good,” Murphy mumbled as several thumps began to sound against the elevator doors. 

“They’re coming in.” 

Both Bellamy and Murphy grunted as they attempted to slide the doors to a close, but the various arms and legs sticking through the gaps prevented them. Aurelia activated the shock baton and continuously jabbed it into the chipped soldiers whilst Bellamy attempted to kick them away, but even that didn’t seem to deter them.

The elevator slowly began to move upwards again, the rising platform making it difficult for the grounders to fight their way in. Somehow one of them managed to weave their way in, and began to beat Murphy senseless as Aurelia and Bellamy finally managed to close the doors with a final push.

“Shoot him Bellamy!” Murphy exclaimed as he let out grunts of pain. Bellamy quickly pulled out his gun, and after a moment of hesitation he pulled the trigger, sending a bullet straight into the grounder’s skull.

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