Young Atlas

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I watched silently from the porch as Draal attacks Jim with his Parlok spear.

Jim continues to try and dodge the attacks, but it was obvious something was on his mind.

As Jim attempts to swing his sword at Draal, the blue troll shoves the blade between the two prongs on his spear and causes Jim to spin around a few times before falling onto his back.

Draal then points his spear at Jim.

“I think I just broke my butt.” Jim says, looking up nervously at Draal.

“Were this an actual battle, Trollhunter…” Draal starts. “You would have just been deprived of your right leg,”

He taps Jim’s leg with his spear.

“Three fingers,” He taps his arm. He then moves the spear just above Jim’s crotch.

Jim quickly notices and summons his sword, using it's blade to block Draal’s spear.

“And your Gronk-nuks.” Draal finishes as Jim begins to stand.

“Sorry, I guess I’m just a little distracted tonight.” Jim sighs before yelping as Draal begins to attack him again.

The two continue to fight, moving around Jim’s backyard.

“Bular will use your distraction as an opportunity…”

Draal swipes Jim’s legs out from under him, causing him to fall.

“To cleave your head from your shoulders!” The blue troll finishes with a huff.

“Oh…” Jim says, looking up at him.

“What has you distracted this night?” Draal questions, holding out his hand to help Jim stand.

Jim reaches up and grabs his hand thankfully.

“You wouldn’t understand.” He says.

Draal roars loudly as he flings Jim onto the ground once again, pulling his arm behind him while pressing his spear to the back of his head.

“I am the son of the former Trollhunter, Trollhunter!” Draal says angrily.

“I’m a little preoccupied about kissing Claire!” Jim says hurriedly.

I laugh loudly as a confused look washes over Draal’s face.

“I don’t understand.” He says simply before removing his spear from Jim.

I giggle softly as I walk over to the two of them, my own armor glowing slightly.

“The school play, Romeo and Juliet.” Jim explains, turning onto his back to look up at Draal. “We’re rehearsing the kissing scene and I have to kiss her tomorrow!” The boy continues worriedly, falling onto his back while covering his face with his hands.

“Kissing?” Draal questions, picking up Jim by his shoulders and placing him onto a nearby rock that was sitting next to me. “What is this kissing?” He continues, sitting down in front of us.

Jim looks at me, asking me to explain it.

I roll my eyes slightly before looking at the blue troll.

“Well, kissing is when two people kind of push their lips together in a show of passion.” I explain. “And the more you like the person, the longer the kiss. Sometimes for hours.”

Draal lets out a grunt in disgust, shaking his head.

“Disgusting. Killing sounds easier.” He states.

Two Trollhunters? (Draal x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now