Important A/N

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Before I start, please take a moment to appreciate the image above. (It was done by my best friend. It's Astrid and Draal.)

But, I need a little bit of help. I'm tied between two things I want to do for this story after we reach the end of the Trollhunters storyline.

Originally, I was just going to stop it at the end of the Eternal Night, then continue the story with my own ideas. (Purposefully ignoring Canon events all canon afterwards because it's a fanfiction, and I had my own storyline I want to follow.)

But, recently, I've been thinking about adding Astrid to things like 3Below (maybe. I've been struggling on what episode to add her in.) and Wizards because I feel like she would add a lot of comedy, and destruction, to both, plus it would just be fun to write and see her interact with other characters like Aja and Krel, or Douxie and Archie.

If I were to do this, I could still somehow manage to squeeze in the other ideas I had that aren't part of the story line, but I'm scared I won't be able to do all the cool stuff I want to that will add more depth to Astrid's character.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2023 ⏰

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