Its About Time

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Jim and I walk silently side by side as we make our way to the entrance of Gatto’s cavern.

We stop beside two masked troll guards, looking up the makeshift staircase leading up to Gatto’s Keep.

One of the masked trolls looks down at Jim and I, growling softly as he taps us with his axe, leading us to the staircase as the other aims his axe at us as well.

Jim and I grunt loudly as we’re forced to our knees in front of Gatto.

“The Trollhunters.” The mountainous troll says darkly. “You have returned, and without your amulet.”

“We need the Kairosect.” I say simply, standing up as Jim does the same. Gatto laughs darkly.

“The Kairosect? Dangerous magic. After what your friends did to me, why should I let you live?” He asks.

“Cause this time, we have a riddle for you.” Jim says with a smirk.

“Really? A riddle?” Gatto chuckles. “I am the master of riddles. I know them all.”

“But you don’t know this one.” Jim smiles.

“Willing to bet your lives on it?” Gatto asks.

Jim looks at me and nods with a smirk.

I nod back before turning to Gatto, folding my arms across my chest.

“What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?” I ask him.

“Hmm.” Gatto hums in thought. “What do you call cheese that is not yours?” He repeats softly. “Hmm… I’ve got it! ‘Nacho Cheese’.” He says confidently.

“And it’s ‘nacho’ day, either. Now!” I shout.

We wait for a few seconds, nothing happening. I sigh in exasperation.

“I said, ‘now’!” I shout again.

A portal suddenly opens beside us, Blinky, Toby, Claire and Aaarrrgghh running through it, screaming with their weapons drawn.

“Master Jim! Mistress Astrid!” Blinky shouts, tossing our amulet at Jim.

“For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is ours to command!” The two of us say quickly, summoning our armor and drawing our swords.

“A trick?” Gatto asks angrily.

Toby runs forward, propping Gatto’s mouth open with his hammer.

“Come on! Come on!” He shouts. We all quickly dive forward, jumping into Gatto’s mouth.

“Down the hatch!” Toby shouts, jumping in and removing his hammer.

Gatto groans loudly.

“Not again! After them!” He orders.

Multiple masked trolls jump into his mouth, chasing us down into his stomach.

Everyone quickly begins to search through his stomach for the Kairosect.

“Ugh. I miss the simpler days of hunting gnomes.” Toby whines.

The two masked trolls that dived down after us fall down onto their stomachs in front of me and Jim, who were already aiming our swords at them.

“Hurry! Keep looking!” I shout, beginning to fight with the trolls.

One of them manages to hit Jim, sending him flying into a pile of gold, causing a small chest to fly into the air and onto his lap.

A small triangular object falls out of it, into his hands.

“Ah-ha! The Kairosect! Good work, my chum.” Blinky says, helping Jim to his feet.

Two Trollhunters? (Draal x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now