To Catch a Changeling

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“Alright, do your worst.” Jim smirks, holding up the sword of Daylight.

I smile slightly as I hand Toby a watermelon, which he tosses towards Jim.

Jim quickly slices his sword through the fruit, causing it to explode in a flash of blue.

“Woohoo!” He cries.

“It slices!” Toby shouts.

“It dices!” Jim finishes, using the sword to pick up a food bag that was laying on the ground.

I giggle and shake my head at the boy's behavior, folding my arms as I continue to watch.

“Alright, what else you got?” He asks, pulling out a taco from the bag.

Toby looks down at a pile of newspapers, getting on his knees while eating a taco of his own.

“You know, we probably should recycle these.” He says, picking it up by its binding string. “On the other hand, shredding them is more fun. It’s less environmentally conscious, but more fun!” He chuckles, holding up the pile.

“Pull!” Jim shouts, holding his sword like a baseball bat.

Toby spins around a few times before letting go of the paper, sending it flying in Jim’s direction.

With one swift motion of his blade, Jim cuts the pile of paper in half, causing it to explode into confetti.

“Home run!” Jim shouts, holding up his fists.

“It’s like a ticker tape parade of awesome!” Toby says excitedly, jumping up and down.

“What is this mockery?!” An angry voice shouts.

All three of us jump and look over to see Draal exiting Jim’s house.

“Oh, hey Draal.” Jim starts as Toby and I run up beside him. “Just working on some sword fighting skills.”

“The sword of Daylight is not a toy to be played with.” Draal growls, walking up to the three of us. “It is a hallowed obligation I have spent my entire life training to be worthy of.”

I give him a sympathetic smile, remembering how his father was the Trollhunter before Jim and me.

“You wanna take it for a spin?” Jim asks, looking up at him.

Draal snorts loudly, shaking his head.

Jim smiles kindly, holding the sword out to him with two hands, earning a surprised look from Draal.

Draal cautiously, almost nervously, reaches forward, grabbing the sword from Jim’s hands. He examines the blade for a moment before holding it up above him, looking into the reflection of the blade with a smile.

The sword suddenly disappears in a flash of blue light, causing Draal to gasp. He lets out a sad sigh, looking down at the ground.

Toby, Jim and I all jump slightly as the sword suddenly appears again in my hands.

“I’m sorry, I forgot.” Jim says softly as I hand him back the sword.

Draal sighs again, looking at the three of us.

“If my destiny is to not hold the sword, perhaps it is to teach you two how to properly wield it.” He says, looking between Jim and me.

He looks around the mess we had made in Jim’s yard, his gaze landing upon a broken lamp. He walks over, grabbing the lamp’s pole before taking off the shade.

The three of us gasp loudly and step back when Draal suddenly begins to swing the lamp, twirling it in his hands a few times.

Jim and I flinch down as he suddenly swings the lamp down onto us, stopping just centimeters from our faces.

Two Trollhunters? (Draal x my OC)Where stories live. Discover now