Escape From the Darklands

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I stand anxiously behind Jim, my Eclipse blade drawn as he blows on the tiny embers we had managed to make in front of a large cave.

"Come on." He whispers, blowing on it again. "Come on, come on!"

"Yes!" I smile as a small flame appears amongst the stone.

We both quickly summon our shields, using it to fan the flame and make it slightly bigger.

A loud roar sounds from inside the cave, earning our attention. We glance at each other briefly before hiding behind the cave wall, just as a large pair of teeth poke out.

The Nyarlagroth then roars loudly, causing our fire to fly away on its breath before it slithers out from the cave completely.

"And you said me spending all that time in Blinky's library wasn't good for anything." I whisper, smirking at Jim as he picks up a brown sack from the ground.

"Yeah, sure, rub it in." Jim says, rolling his eyes as he draws an arrow going into the cave on the wall.

We then quickly run into the cave, spotting the Nyarlagroth's nest, which was covered by rocks.

We begin to remove the rocks, smiling at the sight of easily a dozen fiery red eggs.

"Yes! Dinner!" Jim exclaims as we begin to pick up a few eggs, placing them into the sack.

Jim glances nervously towards the mouth of the cave, keeping an eye out as we grab a few more eggs. As we stand up, Jim throws the bag over his shoulder and we turn to leave.

Before we could, however, we notice some pebbles fall from the ceiling.

We glance up and gasp slightly as we notice the Nyarlagroth poking its head into the cave from a large opening.

We both cry out and try to run towards the entrance of the cave, before the Nyarlagroth dives down in front of us, blocking the exit with a roar.

"Don't suppose you wanna talk about this?" Jim asks with a nervous smile as he holds the sack in his arms.

We cry out and dive out of the way as the Nyarlagroth charges at us, hitting its head against the wall.

We quickly climb over its head, running along its body to the entrance of the cave.

The Nyarlagroth then turns its head towards us, mouth open as it tries to eat us.

I quickly summon my Eclipse blade, slicing its dagger like tounge, causing it to roar in pain as we slam into the ground.

We quickly stand back up, running out of the cave with the Nyarlagroth hot on our trail.

It begins to shoot its tongue at us in an attempt to impale us, but we quickly dive into a small crack in the caves which slide us out onto the ground outside.

The Nyarlagroth wasted no time in following us out of the cave, chasing us down one of the narrow pathways that stretched through the Darklands.

Jim gasps slightly as three eggs fall out of the sack.

We gasp and stop for a second as they fall before turning back to the Nyarlagroth. We shield ourselves as the beast charges at us before roaring and diving after the eggs.

It catches them in its mouth before it roars up at us again. As it charges at us, I pull Jim into a narrow crack in a rock, watching as the Nyarlagroth shoots passed us.

We let out a breath of relief before jumping onto a dangling chain, gliding down to a lower area of the Darklands.

We began to walk in the direction of a little nook that we had decided to make our 'home' for the time being.

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