The Shattered King

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I gently close the door to my locker, watching as Jim awkwardly waves to Claire.

Claire coughs gently into her hand before waving back with a smile.

I jump violently as Toby suddenly walks up to Jim and me, banging his head onto the lockers.

“Well, I’ve asked out every single girl.” The short boy sighs.

“They all said no?” Jim asks in disbelief.

“Of course not. I got a few ‘as ifs’. A couple, ‘Not in a million years’. One actually gagged. I took that as a ‘not interested’.” Toby explains as Jim watches Claire walk away.

I give him a both disgusted and sympathetic look.

“You asked out every girl in school?” Jim asks.

“Not every girl.” I say, looking over at Jim. “He didn’t ask me.”

“Astrid, will you go to the Spring Fling with me?” Toby asks in a monotone voice, already knowing the answer.

“Hmmm, sure.” I smile.

“Wait, what?” Toby asks, looking at me.

“I’ll go with you. As your best friend.” I smirk, shoving books into my bag.

He groans and rests his head on the lockers.

“Now I’ve asked every girl.” He says.

“Really? Every girl?” I ask, still not believing him.

“Well, nope! I saved Claire for you, Jimbo!” Toby says, looking up at Jim. “I didn’t wanna promblock you.”

I roll my eyes as I lean against the lockers.

Jim scoffs slightly, shaking his head as Toby places his hand on his shoulder.

“Thanks.” Jim says sarcastically.

“You still haven’t asked her yet, have you?” Toby asks, pulling Jim down to his level.

“I-I’m working up to it, okay?” Jim replies.

“Oh, is that what they’re calling ‘wussing out’ these days?” I smirk.

“Hey, I’m just waiting for my moment!” Jim says defensively.

“That’s what they call wussing out these days, Wussy!” Toby smirks, wrapping an arm around Jim.

“They are correct, Master Jim.”

The three of us cry out as human Blinky suddenly appears in front of us.

“I spent the afternoon in the school library, and you are, apparently, a popular topic of gossip.” Blinky continues with a smile.

“Blinky! What are you doing hanging out at our school?!” Jim asks in an almost angry tone.

“Well, that’s an interesting story.” Blinky replies.

“Wait, you said people are gossiping about Jim?” Toby asks.

“I didn’t hear much, but the words ‘wussing’ and ‘out’ were frequently invoked.” Blinky nods.

“Why were you in the library of our school?” I ask, leaning against the lockers.

“I exhausted all of Trollmarket’s resources pertaining to the mysterious mark Angor Rot painted on your foreheads.” Blinky explains, pointing at Jim and me. “Then a thought occurred to me, ‘What about the library in Arcadia Oaks High’?”

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