Where Is My Mind?

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As the bell to class rings overhead, Mary Wang suddenly slams the door to Claire’s locker, startling the black haired teenager.

“Jim Lake asked you to the dance and you didn’t tell us?” She shouts.

“Spill it, C-bomb, before Mare and I go ka-boom.” Darci adds, gently punching Claire in the shoulder.

“There’s not much to really tell, except… I sorta asked him.” Claire explains.

Mary gasps in disbelief as Darci claps her hands together.

“Good, girl!” Darci smiles.

“Excuse me, Darci. Do not celebrate. Educate.” Mary states, facepalming.

“That’s not the way you do things, Claire.” Mary continues, turning her attention back to Claire. “There are rules to being on top of the social food chain. What sort of world do you think we live in?!” She continues.

“If only you knew.” Claire sighs, following after her girlfriends as they walk to class. As they begin to walk away, Claire’s gaze lands on Jim, who was closing his locker.

She waves at Jim with a smile, who returns the wave.

Claire then makes the motion of strangling Mary with her hands, to which Jim smiles at.

Jim then proceeds to open his locker, not noticing Toby and I walking up to him. As he opens the locker, the door hits Toby in the face.

Toby yelps and groans as he falls against the lockers.

“Smooth.” I snicker.

Toby begins to sob slightly, turning to look at Jim.

“I can’t feel my arms.” He whines.

“First day of training can do that.” Jim smiles, moving Toby out of the way of his locker. “But you are the one that wanted the war hammer.”

“Hey, hey. Next time a magic troll assassin pinches your sword, you’ll be happy ol’ Warhammer and Shadowdancer have your back.” Toby states, hitting Jim’s back.

“Shadowdancer?” I question.

“Let me guess. You haven’t run that by Claire?” Jim asks, grabbing his stuff from his locker before closing it again. “Well, Tobes, rest up. We can at least feel safe in school knowing Angor Rot won’t attack us in broad daylight.” He continues as he and Toby walk to the boys changing room.

“I’ll see you in class, yeah?” I ask with a smile.

“See ya Astrid.” They both wave as I begin to walk away, the three of us blissfully aware of the dark figure hiding in the sewers below the school.

Claire, Jim and I all walk through the halls in silence, searching for Toby as Steve suddenly comes running up to us like a mad man.

“I’m Steve! You’re not Steve! I’m Steve! I’m Steve!” He shouts, looking at us and Coach Lawrance before running down the halls screaming again.

“Uh, what was that all about?” I ask, watching the blonde continue to shout ‘I’m Steve’ at people.

“SAT season.” Coach sighs, doing the same. “I’ll tell you, one kid snaps like a snow pea every spring.” He continues, walking down the hallway again.

As the bell overhead rings, the three of us begin to walk to class again.

“So… Shadowdancer?” Claire asks, looking at Jim.

Two Trollhunters? (Draal x my OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora