Tempted 'brows

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Stella's POV

After a few drinks with everyone, Jack and I made our way outside. I went towards the hammock before Jack did.

"Only one can be on the hammock" I said making myself comfortable.

He looked at me strangely. I guess he was waiting for me to say 'just kidding'.

"It's a hammock rule" I added.

"Let's break the rules" Jack smirked pulling on the side of the hammock. "Even though I doubt it's a rule" he chuckled.

I moved to the right side of the hammock so he could get on. I felt myself rolling to the middle laying on top of Jack.

"I mean this is pretty comfortable" I chuckled.

"It would be if my face wasn't full of your hair" Jack said. I could hear him sniffing my hair. "What kind of conditioner do you use? Smells nice"

"It's the, I shower once a month conditioner" I joked, moving to the side, with his hand around me.

Jack was laughing. I looked over at him and put a finger on one of his brows.

"Are these real?" I asked, they had such good form to them. They were dark like his eyes. "These are eyebrow goals" I pointed to them.

"Is that really what you want to ask me?" Jack had a goofy smile on his face. It was cute though.

"You look like that guy from the troll face meme" I ignored his question, laughing at my own comment. I tended to laugh at my own jokes even if other people didn't laugh.

"Come on" he got up shaking his head while laughing. "Let's take a swim" he took his shirt off.

"Woah" I stared. I knew he felt my stare but I didn't care. Jack had such a seductive body. "Are you trying to seduce me?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Im not 'trying' if it's working, I see you staring.. " he smirked.

"I'm just admiring" I smirked back. "But keep going.. or are you getting in with your shorts?"

Jack unbuttoned his shorts and paused.

"Come on" I yelled. "You're such a tease, take them off!"

"You're fully clothed" he laughed.

"Do you think I can admire you while I'm taking off mine" I got up from the hammock and went to turn on some music.

"Oh my god" I said looking at a butt naked Jack when I turned around. "...You're gifted in so many ways" I whispered.


I don't know how we went from not fitting in the hammock to the having sex in the pool but it happened and I wasn't regretting it one bit.

"That was.." I began saying.

"Great" Jack finished.

We laughed.

"Again?" He blurted out.

"Yea" I didn't hesitate on replying.

Jack got on top of me, he kissed all the right places. I felt him inside me once again. I moaned. It felt better than the first. I wanted to grip onto something but nothing was around.

After the second round, we grabbed our things and ran upstairs to my room hoping no one would see.


I woke up in my bed. Remembering everything that had happened last night, I rolled off of bed chuckling.

"Who leaves without their shirt" I was looking at Jacks shirt on the floor.

After freshening up, I went to breakfast with Lola.

I was shocked when Lola said Summer was with Johnson, she didn't seem to be into him. I guess I was wrong. I didn't say anything about Jack though, thinking about yesterday made me breathe hard.

When we were back at the house I was starting to think we all had
a little fun yesterday, once Eliza claimed to be out 'alone'.

Eliza was always hiding things, she wasn't good at hiding them from me though. It would come out sooner or later.


While Nate waited for Eliza he was telling me to convince Jack on going to this club.

When I thought of a club, I imagined sweaty bodies grinding on each other, beer spilling all over people and there's always that one douche at the club trying to get in your pants.

"You can get Jack to go" Nate kept saying. "He'll only go if you go"

I sighed. "I don't know why I'm getting myself sucked into this"

"Maybe you guys can get closer" He had a smirk on his face. If only he knew what happened last night. I felt my face burning up, and my breaths were getting harder to take.

"Yea" my voice awkwardly cracked. "I'm going to go call him" I turned so quick I ran into the railing of the stairs releasing a wheeze.

"Are you okay?" Eliza asked coming down the stairs.

"Ecstatic" I said. "I love running into railings Eliza, I do it on a daily basis. You should try it sometime"

Eliza rolled her eyes.

I got to my room and called Jack.

"I was about to call you" he answered.

"Jeremy?" I said.

"Jeremy?... This is Jack" he sounded confused, I held back my laughter.

"I thought your name was Jeremy or Juan, you look like a Juan" I joked.

"This is Cami right?" He asked.

I sarcastically laughed.

"What are you doing today?" I asked.

"Mhm.. Well I left my shirt in your room, so it gives me a reason to go over later" I could already picture his smirk.

As much as I wanted to say yes, I didn't. "No no, Nate told me about this club, I think we should go"

Jack agreed. After a few minutes of convincing I had to do.

I sat in bed thinking about how I had to get ready and how lazy I was do to so.

It wasn't long after Jack came. I couldn't get ready with him in the room.

Every time he would touch me, I would move away. "I'm suppose to be changing, not undressing myself!"

"Let's not go" he pulled on my strap.

"No no no" I moved my hands in the air. "Wait outside" I pointed to the door.

Jack chuckled making his way outside.

"Am I wearing underwear?" I asked myself while I was looking in the mirror. "How do I forget to put on underwear" I ran to my drawers.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Jack yelled from outside of the room.

"It's not trying if it's working" I repeated what he had said before.

Oh boy. I was really getting myself into something.


Their relationship makes me LOL ;D

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