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Lola's POV

After hating him for what he did, Sammy wasn't as bad as I thought.

Since the girls went shopping and came back with them I've been giving him a hard time. The only reason I sat on his lap was because there was no more room.

It was already getting dark out and we were sitting on the couch. I passed out on him and felt comfortable.


"Lola." I heard someone whisper my name. Who the heck is waking me up at this time? "Lola."

"What?" I said grumpy.

"I just saw Summer and Johnson go upstairs." Sammy whispered to me.

"What the hell?" I asked confused. Sammy found it funny and decided to start laughing at me. "What?" I rolled my eyes.

"You're cute when you wake up." he looked me in the eyes. I blushed and I'm glad it was dark so he wouldn't notice. "I can get used to seeing you like that."

"Oh please like you haven't used that on a girl before." I said creating distance between us.

"This time I mean it though." he said gently pushing me on the couch and crawling on top of me. Oh shit.

"What exactly are you doing?" I asked just laying there not bothered from the fact he's on top of me.

"You don't want to know." he smirked.

God damn. He looks sexy as hell when he smirks. It's so sexy I couldn't help myself other then to pull him by his shirt and close the space between us with a kiss. I could feel him smile between the kiss and I could also feel his friend down there. Oh god.

Sammy boy gets excited on the quicks. The kiss grew more hungry for each other and soon his hands started exploring my body.

I pulled away. "Wait..." I said pushing him off. "We should stop."

"Too soon? You don't do it on the first hang out?" He asked catching his breath.

I just looked at him scared. I didn't know what to say.

"Wait... don't tell me little Lola hasn't done it yet?" He said almost sounding like he's making fun of me.

"What? Who are you calling little?" I said trying to ignore his question.

"You haven't." He chuckled as he stood up. "When you're ready... just let me know sweetheart." he said kissing me one last time before he left to get his friends. Which was a fail because they were all gone missing.

-----The next morning----

"I think I know why Summer didn't answer her phone." I told Stella as we walked to the near by donut shop.


"Sammy told me he saw her go up stairs with Johnson."

"No way?" Stella covered her mouth. "you think...." she wiggles her eyebrows.

"If she did that makes two of us.... well almost."

"WHAT?!" Stella yelled.

"Shhh!!!!" I told her.

"You kinky little slut." she said shaking her head. "I thought you hated the guy."

"I mean I don't like him like him.... I just feel attracted to the guy." I said once we entered the shop.

All Stella did was laugh. Whats so funny? I'm pretty sure her and Jack got started on something too.

---Later that day---

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