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Lola's POV

"Hey Zach can you come over as soon as you can?" I said through the phone.

"Yeah, I'll just finish work really quick and I'll make my way over. Is everything okay?" He asked sounding worried at the end.

"Yeah..... there's just something I have to tell you." it came out almost as a whisper. My voice cracked.

"Okay... I'm worried now, let me see if they'll let me leave now." he said.

"Okay..." I said holding back a tear. Why did this have to happen? Zach doesn't deserve this.

"I'll let you know as soon as possible." he said before hanging up the phone.

I sat there on my bed waiting for him to let me know if he was coming now or later. Seconds felt like minutes and minutes felt like hours. How am I even going to say this to him?


"Lola we need to talk." Sammy said walking in.

"Talk? We have nothing to talk about."

"Is it true? What Jack said?" He asked.

"Sam, I really don't feel like talking to anyone right now so please just go." I said looking away from him.

"I'm not asking if you can or can't talk, I'm asking you to answer my question." he said.

In that moment Zach walked in and rushed over to my side, completely ignoring Sammy. He quickly kissed me and sat down on the bed.

"I know I told you I was going to text you to let you know if I was coming now or later, but I totally slipped my mind. So what's wrong?" He held my hand.

"Sam, can you leave us alone?" I said.

"What happened to not wanting to talk to anyone?" He asked.

"Do you mind?" Zach asked him, finally noticing him.

"Actually yes, I do fucking mind. I was talking to Lola here first so you might want to wait your turn." Sammy said causing Zach to stand up.

"I'm her boyfriend."

"Yeah, well I screwed her first. And I honestly doubt you'll get that far." Sammy said.

Next thing you know Zach punched Sammy right in the face, getting one back from Sammy as well.

"Guys stop!" I pleaded. I got up from the bed and saw as Sammy had Zach on the floor about to give him another good one. Think Lola. "Sammy stop!!!Im pregnant!!" I yelled, he stopped and turned around to look at me. Tears ran down my face as I stood there.

"What?" Zach said getting up as Sammy got up too.

"This is not the way I want to tell you Zach--"

"And how were you going to tell me? Or did you just plan to not tell me that your pregnant with my baby? Because it's mine right?" Sammy asked all at once.

"I needed to tell Zach first.." I said not looking at Sammy.

"Why? Why him? I'm the father aren't I? I have the right to know first."

"Zach please say something..." I said ignoring Sammy.

"What do you want me to say? Lola, this is a lot to take in." Zach said looking down. I walked over to him and cupped his face with my hands.

"Please don't hate me." I whispered.

"Lola I don't hate you.... but I do think Sammy is right on this one. He had the right to know first, not me." Zach said removing my hands away from him. I looked over at Sammy and he was sitting at the edge of my bed running a hand through his hair. "I'm going to let you two talk first, okay?" Zach informed me, leaving me alone in the room with Sammy.

"Sam,-" he cut me off.

"I don't understand why you wouldn't tell me first. Damn I know I'm not the best but I'm also not the type to deny my own kid."

I stayed quiet. I had nothing to say because that's what I thought was going to happen.

"Were you even planning on telling me?" He asked.

"I.... I---" again he cut me off.

"What was your plan? To tell Zach first and see if he was okay with it? To make him act like he was the father so I wouldn't have anything to do with it?" He said standing in front of me. "why would you do something like that?"

"Stop! Cut me some slack. I just figured it out this morning. I panicked." Was all I managed to say.

"Do you really think that low of me?" He said lifting my head up to face him. He looked so hurt.

"What do you expect me to expect from you? You had sex with me and then tossed me like an old rag. But not only that, after that you still came looking for me and tried to get in my pants---" but before I could finish Sammy closed the distance between us with a kiss. Tears started running down my face. Not once did I stop kissing back or tried to pull away.

The way he kissed me was nothing compared to the way Zach kissed me. Sammy always left me wanting more. He parted slowly away and rested his forehead on mine. "I did it because I was never good with relationships. Never thought someone as good as you would actually want something serious with me."

"Your problem is that you only think about yourself and only worry about your feelings. The difference with you and Zach is pretty obvious. Zach cares about my feelings, he doesn't take advantage of me like the way you did."

"That's not true. There's things you don't even know about that guy. You don't like him the way you like me." was all he said.

"What makes you so sure?"

"Because no matter what I do or what I say, you always seem to kiss me. You're attracted to me. Lola, leave Zach." he held my hands.

"You want me to leave Zach?"

"Yes. Leave him. He isn't any better than me and trust me when I say that."

"Are you saying you'll be with me and only me?" This is hard to believe.

"We can give it a try..... for the baby." he put his hand on my belly.

"I can't." I shook my head.

"Why not?"

"Because, Zach doesn't deserve that."

"And we do? We deserve to be separate and let the baby suffer?"

"You picked it this way!" I snapped. "Let me ask you something, Would you even be doing this if there was no baby involved?" I asked.

"Oh come on Lola!" He ran a hand through his hair.

"I knew it would be too good to be true." I said walking over to the door and opening it. "Get out Sam."

"We aren't done talking."

"I am." and with that said he left.

Minutes later, Eliza came storming into my room. By the look on her face I knew she knew things didn't go well. "Sammy left a little pissed. Nate took him because he figured it wouldn't be good to let him drive or be alone like that.... Jack and Stella are upstairs and Summer left with Johnson." she filled me in.

"What would you do?" I asked her.

"With the baby? Or with Zach and Sammy?"

"Everything." at this point.

"Well to start off, you need to go to the doctors and get a check up. With the Sammy and Zach think though, I don't know."

"I just don't know what to do..."


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