The First

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Eliza's POV

"Alright I have to go now." Nate said. We were in my room laying down on the floor. His head rested on my stomach as I ran my fingers through his hair.

"Stay longer." I responded.

"I would, but Sammy is already waiting for me outside." he said getting up. I followed his move.

This was the first time we hung out without smoking and I actually liked it. A lot.

"Spend the night." I said slipping my fingers in the belt loops of his pants.

"Eliza...." he said mockingly while pulling me closer.

"Dang, all it took was that to get you to call my name." I smirked at him.

Nate smirked back down at me and patted my butt as if telling me to jump and wrap my legs around him. I moved my hands up to his neck and did as he wished.

He started walking forward until he reached my bed. Not once looking away from my eyes. He pushed me up with his hands causing me to let out a little moan. I felt his hot breath against my neck, sending chills all over my body.

"I win." he said pulling me away from him and tossing me on the bed. I gave him a confused look. "all it took was a little ass grab and I had you moaning."

"Get out." I said sending him a smile as I laid back on my bed.

"Don't miss me." he said walking out of my room and closing the door.


It's been a good 30 minutes since Nate left, so I figured now would be good to go downstairs with the girls. The first one that caught view of me was Summer.

"Wow he left you that mesmerizing?" She asked.

"What?" Oh god I'm becoming clueless like Lola now. Great.

"Eliza I don't understand why you still talk to that guy." Lola said walking into the living room and sitting next to Summer.

"Why are you pointing fingers Lola? You came home with Sammy." Summer responded.

"Did you forgive him?" I asked.

"No. You know what that asshole asked me to do?" She said standing up.

"What?" Both Summer and I said.

"He wants us to be some kind of friends with benefits. Can you believe that?"

This is the part where I either tell them that's what me and Nate agreed on or I don't. Chances are, Lola will strangle me or Summer will start asking how far we've gone. I think I'll just keep it to myself for now. They can figure it out themselves.

If I say anything Lola probably won't do that but, she will be pissed off. However, if Summer starts asking I know she's going to want to know every detail.

I mean yes we agreed to an open relationship, but all we've actually done is make out every now and then. You would think we've gone further than that, but he's actually a really sweet gentle person to be around.

"Eliza?" Lola called, getting me out of my own thoughts.

"What?" I asked. "oh um right back to what you said......"

"Isn't he crazy? Summer thinks I should have agreed." Lola said. I'm not surprised Summer said such a thing.

"Lola you've only had what? Three boyfriends? It's time you experience new things. So what he took your v card. I honestly doubt he didn't use protection. Live a little already." Summer said.

"If that's the way you and Johnson are doing it go ahead. I will not agree to fool around with him." Lola said marching away from us.

I looked at Summer as she laughed when Lola brought up Johnson.

"That girl cracks me up. Me and Johnson?" She said laughing.

"What's so funny Summer?" I asked.

"Ohh nothing." She said getting up and leaving me alone. I wish Stella was back.


At this moment I was pinned up against the wall as Nate and I kissed. He decided to come over again, 4 hours after he had left.

I pulled away and gave him a seductive look as I made him walk backwards. Once he bumped into my bed I pushed him back to it. I sat on top of him as I played with the end of his shirt.

Nate placed his hands behind his head and gave me a smirk. He knew what I wanted. I was ready to go the full way with him now.

He sat up, grabbing me by the ass to make sure I wouldn't fall back. I nibbled on his bottom lip and waited for him to make the next move.

Soon enough, he pressed my body closer to his and started placing kisses on my neck.

Seconds later I pulled off my own shirt and quickly smashed my lips to his. We both stopped as he flipped me on to the bed so he could be on top.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He said removing his shirt. My eyes explored all his tattoos, even though it wasn't the first time I had seen them.

"I've been ready." I said before I pulled him close and kissed him.

I, Eliza will no longer have to act like I'm not a virgin anymore.


"You were a fucken virgin?" Nate asked once we were done.

"Does it matter?" I asked as he got up to get dressed.

"No, but damn it would have been nice to know." he said putting his shirt on.

"Nate why are you making such a big deal about it?" I asked sitting up while I held the bed sheets close to me.

He let out a big sigh. "I'm not," he said sitting next to me back on the bed. "it's just that it would have been nice to know. Did I hurt you?"

I placed my hand on his cheek and directed his stare at me. "No." I said with a smile and then quickly kissed him.

"Are you sure?" He said kissing me again.

"Yes." I giggled a little. "Now hand me my clothes."


Okay Nate and Eliza are the cutest <3

Anybody got a ship name for them?

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