Super Jack

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Stella's POV

It's been two full months already since we left. As much as I hate to say it, this trip with Jack is done. Even though it was originally just for one, we ended up extending it another.

"Babe, lets do this again." Jack said as we drove. We were about 4 minutes away from my house.

"A trip with you again?" I asked. "I don't think so." I said sarcastically.

"You're the shit Stella." He said flashing me one of his beautiful smiles.

"I know." I said as we got to the house. Jack parked the car and we made our way inside. The guys were here as well and I saw a new face that I didn't know.

"Welcome back!" They all cheered. Summer was already holding the tequila. We said our hellos to everyone. Jack was catching up with the guys. Summer was pouring the drinks with Eliza and Lola was talking with the guy I didn't know.

"Stella I want you to meet my boyfriend Zach. Zach this is one of my best friends that also lives here with us." she looked at me with a big smile. Wow I missed all of this?

"Nice to meet you, Ive heard a lot about you." he said shaking my hand. Wish I could say the same.

"Babe! Come show them!" I heard Jack say. He's such a goofball. He's so excited to be back.

"Show them what?" I asked clueless.

"The video!" He said clapping his hands.

"Which one?" He needs to be more specific.

"Here," he turned me around and grabbed my phone from my back pocket and slapped it while he was at it. "I'll just show them."

With that finally settled, I made my way over to Eliza and Summer that were talking shots. Still the same party animals I left behind.

"Take one with me Stella." Summer said handing me the shot glass.

"Cheers!" I said chugging it down. That felt good. "So what have I missed?"

"Everything. I got married and moved out like two weeks ago." Summer answered.

"Shut up." Eliza said playfully pushing Summer on the shoulder. "Why don't you tell her what really happened?"

Gossip I love it. "What happened?"

"We aren't sure, but Summer here, made the observations and connected the dots." Eliza said.

"It's about Lola." Summer said. "it's something serious though." she took another shot.

"Hey girls!" Lola said joining us.

"Where's Zach?" Eliza asked.

"Oh he had to leave." She seemed kind of different. Maybe she did something with her hair or something. There's a special glow on her. I guess maybe it's because she's happy with her new guy friend.

"Take a shot with us Lola." I said changing the subject.

"Alright." She giggled as she went for a shot glass.

"No!" Summer slapped her hand away.

"Why not? You guys always want me to get drunk."

"You can't have any..... Because I don't want to see you drunk tonight. I don't need a hungover Lola in the morning." Summer said. "You're ten times more annoying like that."

"But a drunk Lola equals a fun Lola." Sammy said out of nowhere. He winked at her and Lola just rolled her eyes at him.

"Stella it's nice to finally have you back but I think I'm going to bed now." Lola said hugging me quickly. "Goodnight everyone."

"It's barely 9." Johnson said.

"Indeed." Nate said taking Eliza's shot and drinking it himself. Same old Nate.

"So what now guys?" Johnson asked putting his arm on Summers shoulder. I was surprised to see she didn't push it away. Maybe they're on good terms now.

"Movies?" I suggested. "it can be a scary one, Lola won't be here to stop us." I pointed out.

"Like if her being here would stop us from watching it." Summer said.



"Can I just stay?" Jack begged me for the tenth time. He's such a little kid.

"Jack I already told you."

"Stella." he said giving me a quick kiss.

"Two months with you was enough." it really wasn't.

He raised his eyebrows and smirked. He knew I was lying. "Fine. But I'll be back tomorrow." he said walking backwards.

"Bye Jack." I said closing the door.

I said goodnight to the girls and made my way up to my room. Finally my own bed. I laid there trying to get comfortable but I just couldn't find my place.

"Now I wish Jack was here." I said moving around.

"What was that?"

"Jack?" I asked sitting up. He jumped on my bed and laid next to me.

"Looks like your wish just came true." he said wrapping his arms around me. Much better.

"How did you even know?" I asked snuggling closer to him.

"I have super powers." he said with pride. I started cracking up.

"Goodnight super Jack." I managed to say.


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