It's A Long Story

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Eliza's POV

We had just finished eating and know we're waiting for Sammy and Lola to join us. I couldn't help but wonder what had taken them so long.

Once they walked through the door we all just looked at them. Something was different, you sure as hell didn't have to be a genius to figure that out. Nate complimented Lola on her shirt, which I didn't understand until a few seconds later.

"What?" She asked looking down on it. "Shit." she mumbled to herself. She had one of Sammy's shirt on.

"It's a long story..." Sammy said. It's obvious they're trying to hide something.

"Ohh, we have time." Jack smirked.

"Umm you see.....There was this fan that got all the way to the room and she........" Sammy said.

"She ummm, she had a drink with her and spilled it all on me." Lola finished off. It was obvious this wasn't at all the truth.

"Yeah..." Sammy said putting his hand on the side of Lola's hip.

She quickly pushed it away and grew extremely nervous. "I'm going to order some room service.... Sam, do you want anything?"

They gave each other a weird look before going on and ordering something.

They finished and took a seat on the floor way too close to each other...

"These two just got back from doing it." Nate whispered in my ear.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"I've known Sam for a long time now, I notice this babe.... and so does Jack and Jack." He whispered looking over at them.

"So Summer, can you inform us now?" Stella spoke up.


Once she finished explaining how the day was going to work out tomorrow, the first ones to leave were Sammy and Lola.

"Who else knows they totally made that fan shit up?" Stella said the second they walked out.

"And how they're probably together right now?" Jack added. Their excuse to leave was that Sammy was tired and Lola was just going for a walk around the hotel.

"I don't understand why they have to lie..." Johnson said taking out his phone. "Im going to head off to bed now. Goodnight guys."

Sammy's POV

"They were so on to us.... we should have just told them." I said as we walked back to my room.

"We can't say anything until we figure this out." Lola said walking into my room.

"There's nothing to figure out." I said hugging her and kissing her neck.

She pulled away. "Can you please stop."

"What the fuck is wrong?" I don't understand her sometimes.

She looked down and moved to the chair that was next to a desk in the room. "I'm leaving tomorrow. What happened earlier today shouldn't have happened."

"You're still leaving after we made love and you told me you fuckin loved me?" I ran a hand through my hair. She's crazy if she thinks I'm actually going to let her leave just like that.


"If you leave you don't fucking love me..." I said pacing around now.

"Sam, I do love you okay..." She was holding me still. I didn't even notice when she got up.

"Then why are you leaving?" I held her face.

"Because I love you so much I need to let you go..." She whispered.

"I'm not letting you go after all this time." I said before crashing our lips together.

Elizas POV

We were back in our room and I'm starving even though we happened to eat like two hours ago.

"Nate?" I called out when I got out of the bathroom.

He was leaning out the window, his back to me. How romantic he wants to watch the stars.

"Huh? I thought you were gonna shower?" He said turning to look at me, hiding one hand away from me.

"I was but I'm hungry.... What's in your hand?"

"Nothing. Go shower and I'll go get you something to eat."

I studied him for a while. I could tell I was making him nervous, so after a minute I walked away and back into the bathroom.

"Hey," I said feeling my belly. "calm down. Daddy's going to get us something to eat." I spoke to my little one.


"Nate, why don't I smell any food?" I asked walking out the bathroom.

I found Nate knocked out on the little couch with his mouth open. The window was still open, so I decided to close it. I walked up to Nate and the smell hit me. He was smoking, that's what he was hiding.

When we found out I was pregnant, he promised he'd stop at least during the pregnancy, but I guess I've been lied to right in the face. Instead of waking him up and complaining to him about it, I put my pajamas on and went over to Summers room.

"What are you doing up right now?" She asked after allowing me in.

"Can I stay here tonight?" I asked and noticing Lola wasn't back from her 'walk'.


"I'm mad at Nate." I took a seat on the empty bed. "I caught him smoking...."

"I'm glad it was you and not someone from the hotel, or else we'd have to leave."

"Where's Lola?" I asked changing the subject.

"She's still not back from her 'walk'. Even though we all know that was bull."

"I think her and Sammy are going to work things out." I said rubbing my belly. "ugh, he's been kicking me a lot today."

"Well I mean you are almost due..."

"I wish Nate was here to talk into my belly like he does every night..."

"Five minutes and you're already wishing for him." She chuckled. "Just go back to your room already."

"No. I have to stay mad at him. He broke his promise and I'm not going to let it slide just like that." I laid down.

"Whatever you say ..." Summer said turning the lights off.

I was just hoping to fall asleep without having Nate next to me. I can already tell this was going to be a bad night for me.


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