It's Whatever

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Sammy's POV

"Can you guys give us a moment. There's something I have to tell Sammy." Lola said.

I watched as they all walked out. They all looked just as confused as I was. Shit, I was still taken back from the hug she gave me.

She took hold of my hand and walked me over to take a seat. "Where were you?" I asked.

"Was that song for me?" She asked ignoring my question.

I ran a hand through my hair. "Yeah, I made it thinking of you."

"Why did you just now release it?"

Why is she questioning me so much? "Because you were there."

"I just...." she stopped to think of what to say. "Thank you, it's actually a really sweet song."

"Can I ask you something?" When I say something, I mean more than one thing.

"I went for a walk and lost track of time..... I didn't even realize it was a new day." How did she know I was going to ask that?

"Okay," I said pressing my lips together.

"I'm guessing you're wondering what I was thinking about while I walked around right?" She said relaxing her body a little more.

"Yes." I rubbed my chin with my free hand, as my other one was still being held my her hand.

"I was thinking about you..... us." she looked down and rubbed little circles on my hand with her thumb. She was getting nervous.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I wanted her to feel safe.

Lola looked me in the eyes and quickly let go of my hand. She took a deep breath as she placed both her hands under her legs. "I don't think I'm ready yet....."

I got closer to her and held her face with my hand. "It's okay if you aren't." I traced her lips with my eyes, hoping she wouldn't notice.

"I really want to tell you Sammy. I really do...."

"Sammy huh?" I said smiling at her. "I guess that walking did do you some good." She chuckled along with me.

"Let's just say, I got to clear up my mind." she said placing a hand over my cheek. We were face to face, I felt her so close yet far away. She was so distant. So hard to read.

We stayed like that for a while, just looking at each other's eyes. I wanted to kiss her soft pink lips, but if I did I would just make this moment go away.

"I missed you Sammy." She said softly.

I pulled her close to me and she placed her head on my chest as I took her in for a hug. "I missed you too." I said kissing her on top of her head. If I could stay like this forever with her I would.

"Guys, sorry to interrupt but....." Summer said coming in and stopping mid sentence when she approached us. Everyone else followed behind. "......we kinda have to get going now. Lola are you coming with or are you staying?"

Lola moved away from my arms and looked at all of us. Her eyes stopped when they reached mine and I was praying she'd stay for the rest of the tour.

"I'll stay." She said smiling at me. I immediately got up and picked her up so I can spin her around in my arms. She giggled and that was the first time in a long time that I heard her laugh.


We had a little celebration after that. Lola was by my side all the time.

We were finishing up eating lunch and everyone just kept looking at us.

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