OH my...

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Eliza's POV

"I told you Nate, now is not the time to talk."

"Stop saying the same bull shit every time I ask to talk. Your taking it back to the first days we met, you know that? Pulling that little girl attitude." he snapped at me.

Here I am trying to go on a peaceful late night walk and he shows up to ruin it.

"Well if that bothers you so much then why do you keep wanting to talk?" I turned around to look at him. "I'm letting you go! L----"

Before I could finish he pressed his lips on mine and I kissed back. There was movement inside of me, I guess he could feel his daddy was here.

"No! You will not fix things with a kiss!" I said pulling away. That's right, I'm the boss.

To bad that didn't last too long because next thing you know, I go in for another kiss myself. "Agh I hate you!" I said crying.

"Yes I broke my promise, but don't let that break us apart. I love you." he said wiping away my tears.

"I love you too." It came out as a whisper. Nate held me in his arms and I felt safe again.

It wasn't until moments later that I felt a horrible pain. "OH my....." I said.

Nate let go and looked at me weird. His eyes grew extremely wide once he realized what was happening.

"BABY NOW..." I yelled getting a fist full of his shirt to hold on to.

"It's not time yet!" He said scared.

My eyes felt like they were about to fall out because of how wide they were open. "Call 9- fucking 1 1"

"Okay, okay, but first relax. You're making me nervous!" He said taking out his phone and punching in the wrong passcode.

"UGHH, that's easy for you to say!" I had to mentally keep telling myself that I can do this. I just need to take deep breaths. "Nate," I said calmer. "Just get a taxi or something...." Relax.

He shook his head in agreement and picked me up bridal style. I'm hoping he doesn't drop me because he won't stop shaking.


"Are you the father?" They asked him when we got to the hospital. They rolled me in on a wheelchair.

"Yes." Nate said speed walking next to me, holding my hand.

"How far apart are the contractions?" They asked him. Nate was so clueless in what they were talking about, so from that moment I started answering the questions.


Nate's POV

We were in the delivery room now, after so many hours. Eliza stopped talking a long time ago, just squeezing my hand every time she would get pain.

I had already informed the others that we're at the hospital. "Damn lil mama you gonna break my hand." I said joking around but she was actually holding on real tight.

She squeezed her eyes shut as she said, "I'll like to see you go through this."

I chuckled a little. That wouldn't be fun at all. No thank you.

"Ahh!! You know what? Tell them I'm ready. Damn it. I can't wait any longer." Eliza said through the pain.


Three hours later, we had our baby Jaxon in our arms. And let me just say, he's hella good looking just like his father.

Eliza was holding him and I was snapping some pictures. This is my family now. My beautiful little family.

The nurse came in and told us we had visitors. The whole crew came in with balloons and flowers.

"Congrats to the newly parents." Stella said.

They all hugged me and Eliza. "Is it fine if I hold him?" Lola asked.

"Of course." Eliza said tired and carefully gave her Jaxon. Lola took a seat and Sammy stood behind her.

"Hey little guy." Lola said. We could all tell she was getting emotional.

"Damn Nate, he's already got that eyebrow game going strong" Jack said making us all chuckle.

"Not as strong as you though" Stella said kissing him. Again and again, until they were pretty much making out.

"Aye, keep it PG here. We don't want to see you two going at it please." Johnson said.

"What you need is a girl." Jack said holding Stella close.

Johnson chuckled a little. "Oh, I have girls alright. Keeping it low key for now though."

"Damn he said 'girls', not one but many." Summer said raising her eyebrow.

"Yeah and if you play your cards right, you can still be the main one." Johnson winked at her.

"Here you go again." Summer said annoyed.

I guess Johnson never lost feelings for her.

The nurse came walking in and took Jaxon along with her. Eliza was tired and soon fell asleep. The rest of us decided to go and grab something to eat real quick. Well at least I wanted to make it quick because I didn't want to leave Eliza alone for too long.

"So how does it feel to be a father now?" Sam asked me while Lola was ordering their meals.

"Makes me feel blessed. More blessed than what I already was."

"So I'm guessing you and Eliza fixed the problem?" Sam asked.


"Nate, I went ahead and ordered you the same thing Sammy got, is that cool?" Lola said walking back over to us and handing Sammy back his change.

"Yeah that's cool. Thanks L." I said.

We turned to look over where Stella and Jack were. They went to a near by subway while we wanted Burger King.


"That's us." Lola said taking the food of tray.

"While the pretty lady want something else?" Sam and I both heard the guy say.

"Babe, need help with that?" Sammy said. He was jealous.
"Here I'll take it. Wouldn't want strangers thinking MY girl is here alone."

"Sam," Lola said embarrassed at the scene he was making. "Thank you." she told the guy.

I could tell Sammy wasn't happy about that, but Lola pulled him away before he could do anything else.

"I'll take my food. Don't want Eliza to wake up and not see me there. Thank you." I said.

"We'll be at the hotel if anything bro." Johnson said with a mouth full of fries.


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