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Eliza's POV

It has been a good two weeks since I last spoke to Nate. He hasn't looked for me or tried to contact me and to be honest, its bothering me. Yes he was rude when we last saw each other but I've gotten attached to him. Part of me misses him..... a lot.

"Eliza, Bens here for you." Lola called from downstairs. Oh yeah so after the whole Nate thing, Ben actually called.

"I'm coming!" I yelled back. I quickly finished applying my mascara and made my way down stairs. "Hey." I greeted him with a hug.

"You look amazing." he eyed me up and down.

"I'm not trying to be rude or anything but, are you guys heading out?" Lola asked looking out the window.

"Umm no we're actually just going to chill here.... why?" I said.

"Because--" but before she could finish the front door opened.

"Heyyy." Sammy said walking in with some Chinese food.

"Wassup?" Nate said walking right behind him with more food. Oh no this can't be good. We made eye connection but he quickly looked away.

Sammy and Lola were too busy making love faces to each other. That baby really brought them together.

"I brought you food." Sammy said to Lola like if it wasn't obvious. "hey Eliza and....."

"Sammy this is Ben. Ben this is Sammy." I introduced them.

"Nice to meet you." Ben said. Nate started laughing catching all of our attention.

"Do you guys want to eat with us?" Sam asked.

"Yeah join us." Lola said already pulling me to the kitchen. "You guys sit down, me and Eliza will grab some plates and utensils."

"Lola do we really have to stay?" I whispered to her.

"Please? I know it's awkward with Nate and Ben both here but youre already here so might as well." she whispered back and made her way over to the table.

Lola was sitting next to Sammy which was pretty obvious. And to make things more awkward, I got to be in between Nate and Ben.

"Is that food I smell?" Summer said running to the kitchen. "Wow thanks for the invite guys. I see where I stand." she said helping herself with a plate of food. She took a seat on the other side of Ben.


During the time that we ate, I could feel Nates eyes on me the whole time.

"Where's Stella guys?" I asked. I feel like she hasn't been around a lot lately.

"She's in her room like every other day." Summer answered. "She still won't talk to me."

"She said she's fine she just needs time alone." Lola said.

"Is everything alright with your friend?" Ben asked me, taking hold of my hand.

"Does it matter to you?" Nate asked him. It's the first time he talks since they've been here.

"Nate please don't." I said. The last thing I need right now is a fight to go down.

"You know what?" Ben said grabbing back my attention. "I think I better leave."

"Yeah that would be a lot better." Nate mumbled to himself.

I walked Ben to the door and apologized. "I'm so sorry for putting you in such an awkward situation. I had no idea he was coming."

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