For You

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Eliza's POV

I know I should be with Lola right now but Nate said this couldn't wait any longer.

"You know how I told you I was working on something?" He asked as we walked hand in hand down a street I've never been at.

"Yes. Well all you said was twenty Fifteen." I giggled because he was so excited right now. I've never seen him like this.

"Well that's what it's called." we walked into a studio? What are we doing at a studio?

"Nate just tell me." I said as we walked.

"This is were I was when we weren't talking." He said showing me the studio. Wow this is amazing. "I made a mixtape and it's called twenty fifteen."

"Nate that's amazing!" I said hugging him. He was practically carrying me because my legs were wrapped around his waist. We were looking at each other's eyes. "Can I listen to it?" I asked excited.

"You already know baby." he said smirking.


"That was amazing. I loved all the songs." I said as the songs started playing again.

"Which one is your favorite?" He asked pulling me down on his lap.

It's so hard to pick when they're all so good. "I like 'For You' the most."

"Really?" He raised his eyebrow. "It's funny because that one was specifically for you." (Haha get it)

"Stop." I said blushing hard. I've never had someone dedicate a song to me, let alone write one for me.

"I love you Eliza." he said completely serious. I stayed quiet. I had no idea how to react to that. Never did I think Nate would say something like that to me. "Now would be a good time to say something." he said a little nervous.

I didn't respond. Instead I smiled at him and connected our lips. I love him too. "Does that respond work for you?" I said kissing him again.

"Maybe." he smirked as he lifted me up as he got up. Nate walked us over to the couch that was against the wall and laid me there. He walked to the door and locked it.

"What do you think you're doing?" I asked fixing myself.

"We," he pointed between us. "are about to make love." He said taking his shirt off and kissing me again.


We made love while his music played. It was nothing like the times before. This time everything was slow and gentle filled with passion. It wasn't just sex anymore.

By now we were leaving the studio and heading back home. We walked hand in hand, I felt so loved.

"I want you to come meet my family." he said as we drove.

"Really?" I asked excited. This was so surprising because he was never brought up his family.

"Yeah. I want them to meet the girl I plan to make a life with."

"Nate, are you being serious?" I asked. We were already at the house. He got off and walked over to my door.

"Yes Eliza. I want to be with you for as long as I live." he kissed me quickly.

"Can I ask something?" I said breaking the kiss. He nodded yes. "Why are you saying and doing all of this out of nowhere?" I mean I'm not complaining about it. I love the fact that he's opening up but why now?

He looked me in the eyes, "Because I realized that unexpected things can happen at anytime." He was talking about Sammy and Lola.

"I feel so bad for them." I said. "They didn't deserve that. Nobody does."

"Do you know why Lola is pushing him away?" he asked.

"I think that's something her and Sammy should talk about..." If I say anything I know he will tell Sam about it.

"E, I better get going."

"You don't want to stay?" I asked tugging on his shirt. I really don't want him to leave.

"Don't tempt me." he said with a smirk.

"Okay fine." I gave him a gentle push. "You should get going."

"But I mean..... If you don't want me to leave I can always stay." he said locking his car.

"No, no, no, you should get going. Spend some time with Sam and the guys." I said even though I wanted him all to myself.

A Week Later

Everything is still the same. Lola seems to be doing a little better. Summer and Johnson are actually really good friends now. It's weird because of how well they get along. Stella avoids Jack every chance she gets. Sammy hasn't really been around, considering the fact that Lola locks herself in her room when she hears he's coming.

I bet you are all wondering what's going on with Nate and I.

We're doing really good actually. His mixtape drops in a couple of days and I was finally introduced into the Twitter world. Turns out the other guys do their thing too. And they have a bunch of followers. I'm kinda glad we didn't know about their fame because we came much closer like that. Plus they never talked about it so I think they were holding it off.

As of right now, Nate an I are planning our trip to Omaha. "How long are we going for?" I asked hugging him from behind.

"How does a week sound?" He said turning to be face to face.

"That's fine with me." I kissed him softly. "I'm so excited to meet your family."

He kissed me multiple times. "When am I meeting your fam?"

Oh boy. "Is that something you really want?" My parents are a handful.

"Eliza," he said.

"Okay, okay, umm I don't know we can go a little after we come back from Omaha."

"Sounds like a plan."

I gave him a forced smile. I just hope that my family isn't so judgmental with him. They've never liked any of my ex boyfriends.


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