No way

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Summers POV
Two years later

"Guys next stop is Eliza and I's home town so you guys better shut it down."

"Indeed we will." Johnson said putting his arm around my shoulder. I pushed it off. He's still the same touchy Johnson from day one.

"You're all sweaty. Go shower."

It's been two years now since I started being their tour manager and you would think they would learn by now.

So you guys are probably wondering what has happened with all of us? Long story short, everyone went their separate ways.

When Lola and Stella left, the guys got a shit load of fame. At the moment Johnson and I decided we should get a tour going for him and the guys. And a year later from there, here we are. For those of you wondering about what we are, let's just say now that we become good friends. The candle light was only on for us that one night we go drunk two years ago. Looking back I noticed how mean I was to him.

"Summer where's Eliza?" Nate asked me.

"In the bathroom? I don't know, call her."

"Right. I forgot how she's always in the bathroom now." he said with that half smile he always gives.

Those two are still going strong. They're actually engaged, they've been engaged for about a year now. You would think they would have gotten tired of each other by now but they didn't.

"My back is killing me." Eliza said walking over by me with Nate by her side. She was a walking human penguin by now.

"Two more months." Nate told her as he rubbed her belly. Yes, she's expecting.

"So easy for you to say because you aren't the one with a watermelon size belly." She said resting her head on his shoulder.

"You're so lucky tour is over next month. Imagine you starting motherhood in a tour bus." I chuckled.

The door of the bus opening caught my attention. Soon, Sam came walking in.
"Ello." he smirked. We all knew what that smirk meant.

Long story short, when Lola left, Sammy had a thing with that one girl Lola hated. They kicked it off for a while but Sam would always end up cheating on her. So their relationship went nowhere serious.

"Ahh, Sammy boy just got some didn't he?" Jack said joining. Sam laughed and fell back on the couch running his hand through his hair.

So what did Jack do all this time? His eyebrows are still on point, lets just put that out there. After Stella left, Jack stayed as a single pringle. There was one girl named Madison that he meet after Stella but we noticed how he wasn't as happy. He saw it was no good for him. So that ended pretty fast.

"Sam stop hoeing around." I said.

"It's not my fault the girls dig daddy." he smirked.


We were back on the road. Everyone was sleeping except me. I was too busy doing business.

"Summer?" I heard someone whisper my name.

"What?" I whispered louder than them.

"Shhh...." They said coming into the light. It was pregnant ass Eliza. "what are you doing up so late?" She sat next to me.

"My job. The guys never let me do my work." they still annoy the shit out of me. "what are you doing up?"

"He's not letting me sleep and neither is Nate." she rubbed her belly as we sat there in silence. She let out a big sigh."Did you let Lola and Stella know what the next stop was?"

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