White Chocolate

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Nates POV

I woke up around 10 in the morning to an empty room.

I started wondering why Eliza didn't wake me up yet. She was probably in the bathroom.

Making my way to the bathroom I noticed the door to it was open and the lights were off.

"El?" I said. "Shit." she's not in here. I pulled out my phone and dialed her number. That was pointless when I noticed her phone started vibrating on the bed.

Where the fuck did she waddle her nice pregnant ass to?

I left the room and started my search for her. First place I looked was where they serve food in the hotel, but she wasn't there.

I went back up and it clicked. She's probably with Summer or something.

I went to Summers door and knocked a couple of times before she opened the door. "What the fuck do you want?" An annoyed Summer asked half asleep.

"Is Eliza here? I can't find her."

"God damn, next time you two fight, pick somewhere else to crash for the night." she said walking back to her bed.

Fight? We didn't fight last night...
I walked in and there she was sound asleep, holding on to her belly.

"El?" I whispered, brushing her hair away from her face. Her nose wrinkled up when she felt my touch.

"Go away..." she mumbled with her eyes closed.

"Why did you leave?" I asked.

After a minute or two she reacted, and her eyes were as wide as can be. She was sitting up now and she was giving me the death look.

Eliza got up and went to the bathroom quickly and came out. "Thanks for letting me stay the night Summer.", and then walked out without saying a word to me.

"Hey, hey, hey, slow down there. No greeting to me?" I asked catching up to her.

"You're disgusting." She tried to walk faster now.

"What the fuck? Did I do something?"

"Look at you," she said looking me up and down. "Acting like you don't have a clue on what you did."

We reached the room and both went in. "Babe, I seriously don't know what I did wrong? If anything I should be mad you left without saying shit to me."

She turned around to look at me. I could see the anger that she held in her eyes. "You broke your promise!" She said hitting my chest.

"Damn, calm down. What promise?"

"God Nate stop acting like you don't know. You were smoking last night, and God knows when else." She was sitting on the bed now crying. I didn't know what to say because it was true. I did break my promise. "I needed you last night, and you were to high to care."

"What happened?" I asked worried.

Eliza cleaned her tears off. "The baby wouldn't stop kicking, we had a bad night."

"El, I'm sorry. I pro--"

"Don't promise me something you can't keep."

"This time it's for real though." I kissed her on the forehead.

"How many times did you lie to me?"

"It was only when I was alone with Sam. Damn, understand I need a way to relax too."

"You just had to stay clean for 9 months and you couldn't." she shook her head.

"God damn Eliza, you used to smoke with me all the time." Shit I'll fire back on her too.

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